Le 02/05/2012 06:46, Lex Trotman a écrit :
- Background/asynchronous whatever you want to call it parsing
a. @Colomban, you say that caches are created on first lookup, doesn't that throw work back into the UI thread which could have been done in the parsing thread?
Well, yes, the UI thread gets the load (unless there is background/async lookups too :)). However in my approach there can be any number of caches [1], and those caches can't really be guessed, so... but maybe it's simply a bad approach. Or the used caches could be hard-coded in CTM so they never get created implicitly -- quite ugly but works).
[1] cache means: a array of tags sorted by a given sort function. Each cache is then used for a particular type of lookups: * simple completions (sort by name); * scope completion (uses more than one cache, sorted by scope and name, and sorted by type); * etc. (I think there is a third one we use somewhere, can't remenber what though)