On 05.03.2010 22:49, Dominic Hopf wrote:
Am Freitag, den 05.03.2010, 16:54 +0000 schrieb Nick Treleaven:
On Tue, 02 Mar 2010 18:50:28 +0100 Thomas Martitzthomas.martitz@student.HTW-Berlin.de wrote:
(If a second instance of geany is run without passing filenames to the first, -i is implied).
I really like this idea. It is simple to understand, rather convenient and uniform with the behaviour of "new-instances", i.e., those instances should not touch any global data, either the default session or the settings.
Shouldn't it just bring the existing instance on top without creating a new instance? That's what I would expect (i.e. you only get a new instance if you use -i).
The idea is that the user can just click the desktop icon to get a new window. Raising an existing window is a Window Manager function IMO.
That's exactly the behaviour I'd expect too. :)
Regards, Dominic
I only expect this for apps which are truly multi-instance aware. This doesn't apply for geany. And even then, the desktop icon could have the -i in the run command and you would achieve the same. I think the desktop icon is well in the hands of geany (IIRC make/.waf install creates some shortcuts which we could define to have -i).
For example, I expect this from apps like OpenOffice where a new instance is merely a new document. But I don't expect this from e.g. Pidgin where it's clear that 2 instances won't work well (and in fact, opening pidgin via some icon on the desktop/in the menus just raises the current instance).
I disagree with this being a window manager function. The system should just try to create a new instance. The app then decides whether to open a new instance or not (the current behavior).
Best regards.