On Sat, 8 Oct 2011 00:32:54 +0200 Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
On Fri, 7 Oct 2011 19:23:32 +0200, Frank wrote:
On Fri, 07 Oct 2011 08:28:04 -0700 Matthew Brush mbrush@codebrainz.ca wrote:
- Translators (Pull/Push? or does it go through Frank?)
- on both geany and plugins repositories?
Its hard to say as the experience of translations providers differs much. Some of them never did use poedit or something before, others are real experinced experts on git/mercurial/svn etc. Personal I'd say for the start we should do it via pull requests from personal repos and see how it works.
Maybe this is the point to throw Transifex[1] into the discussion. AFAIK it's a web-based translation platform which enables users with less technical experience to easily translate software. Transifex can commit changes to .po files back into GIT and so makes it even more easy.
Xfce uses it since some time successfully now.
It would probably require some initial efforts but I could imagine it's worth in the long-term by making the whole translation process faster, easier and maybe even more continous.
Looks nice. And I got this (changing something on system for translations) for >1 year on my todo list. Another suggestion for collab tools? (launchpad is not an option ;) )
Cheers, Frank