On Thu, 1 Dec 2011 14:57:25 -0500 Meyer 3m.meyer@gmail.com wrote:
I have two possible situations that I need to differentiate between [...] The first situation is the user deletes selected text by overwriting it with a new character. The second is the user deletes selected text by pressing backspace/delete, and then enters a new character. [...] how I could accomplish this?
You can't. The underlying scintilla events are identical.
I want to be able to select text, and then insert a character (e.g. an apostrophe) before and after the selection just by pressing the apostrophe key. Since the normal behavior when a character is pressed while text is selected is to delete the text and insert a character [...]
Ignore keybindings and see extrasel key-press-event. Remember to check scintilla_get_current() against the widget.
Somebody (nathan.f77@gmail.com Nathan Broadbent?) recently asked the exactly same question, and probably works on the same thing. Check the mailing list archive.