On Fri, June 20, 2008 2:39 pm, Nick Treleaven wrote:
On Fri, 20 Jun 2008 14:30:13 -0000 (UTC) "Frank Lanitz" frank@frank.uvena.de wrote:
I think it's not a big deal to add these lines and give some more overview, e.g. if you working with git as frontend for geany-plugin.
Can you explain more about this? How does it work?
I'm using git-svn instead of svn for working with the geany-plugin repository. It combines the advantages of git (branching, fast, local copy of complete history) with the given svn repository. Because of this it feels like a normal git repository, but with the chance to commit to the central svn repository.
Checkout is possible by git-svn clone http://path.to.svn.repo
Also it is possible to set up that it can handle the tags and branches created in svn by using options and a couple of ore things. There is also the chance to set up some prefixes for working on more project within one svn repository, but from my current point of view it is only possible if you got the - |-Projekt A ||-trunk ||-tags | -branches |-Projekt B ||-trunk ||-tags | -branches structure. (Still needs some investigation of me ;) )
IMHO the biggest advantage is to work without connection to network and commit changes local and send them to the svn repo after I'm back in network. But this could be also done by svk ;)
Regards, Frank