On 07.01.2011 15:17, Alexander Petukhov wrote:
Hello, everybody.
My name is Alexander, i'm a software developer from St.Petersburg, Russia. I started to use Geany at my job, mostly for C++ development, and only feature I was not satisfied with was debuggers support. I looked at the existing GDB plugin but it's seemed a little bit unusual for me, and next I thought about multiple debuggers support in one plugin. So I started to develop my own plugin with the foregoing in mind:
- more VS, Netbeans,... likely GUI
- multiple debuggers support
Now i have GDB working more or less enough for using, and feel like I need some feedback. (I started to work on bashbd backend, but faced some problems and decided to postpone it, until GDB and general features will work well).
So, project adress at SF is https://sourceforge.net/projects/geanydbg/ Also I've prepared a little page with a description - http://geanydbg.sourceforge.net/walkthrough.htm
Waiting four your opinions and feedbacks.
Just tried your plugin, it seems very awesome so far! I seem to like it better than the existing debugger plugin.
I think it would work great with: http://lists.uvena.de/geany-devel/2011-January/003777.html
Best regards.
PS: It crashes if the program to be debugged has no debug symbols.