Le 03/07/2015 23:48, Minh Bui a écrit :
Hello, I'm a student who wants to contribute to Geany. I've read the HACKING file and surf through the bug/features tracking list.
Great :)
There are several questions I would like to ask:
- What are the "open" tickets? Are they issues that people have
proposed and haven't been picked up by the development team?
Open is the default state on SF, so it can mean that * Nobody really looked at the ticket * Someone looked, found it sensible but didn't do anything else
So yeah basically it's what you guessed.
If the answer to the question above is "yes" then: Are the "open-accepted" tickets are tickets that the development team has accepted to work on?
Basically, it means "okay, we confirm/agree this is an issue/feature to have".
- Why do we have to use 2 different tracking systems? I noticed that
the issues tracking on Github and the one on SourceForge do not match with others. Which is the most active recent tracking system?
Basically, we're (slowly) moving to GitHub.
- Assuming my assumption for the first question is correct, I would
like to work on this: http://sourceforge.net/p/geany/bugs/1026/. But I'm in doubt because I don't know if someone has already working on this.
Nobody that I know of, so please, go ahead :)
BTW, this is a good example of "open-accepted", Lex just said "you're right that's a bug we need to fix", but didn't do anything further (yet). Though, we are pretty bad at managing our bug tracker, so I wouldn't be surprised there are open tickets that we forgot to close (probably because we fixed the issue separately), or await for a long time :(
Regards, Colomban
PS: there's no item 3, is it?