Le 08/11/2011 00:21, Lex Trotman a écrit :
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 6:03 AM, Dominic Hopf dmaphy@googlemail.com wrote:
Hi Lex,
Am Montag, den 07.11.2011, 08:09 +1100 schrieb Lex Trotman:
Hi Website dudes,
Just noticed that the Geany developers page still points to svn for latest hacking, so it isn't :)
Either someone already fixed it, or I'm blind. I can not find the page you're claiming about. :s
Hi Dominic,
http://www.geany.org/Contribute/Developers reached from front page->sidebar->contribute->developers
In the para "Read the HACKING file" the last three links all point to sourceforge, not github.
Ah, good catch. Fixed, now the point to http://git.geany.org/geany/tree/HACKING
Cheers, Colomban