Le 29/08/2016 à 05:14, Matthew Brush a écrit :
Syntax Highlighting
Most likely using an API based on/similar to Scintilla's "container lexers".
At the minimum, it could have a callback something like:
gboolean (*highlight)(GeanyPlugin*, GeanyDocument*, guint start_pos, guint end_pos, gpointer user_data);
As with Scintilla's "container lexer", it would just tell the provider what and where to highlight. It might be pointless providing `end_pos` it could probably just highlight a whole line at time (maybe like Scintilla's 'style-needed' notification).
I'm really not sure it's a good idea to go the custom callback way. IMO, we should first try and see how easy it'd be with plugins providing their own full-blown Scintilla lexer library that we just add and use.
Having our own callback means one more indirection, and changing the SciLexer to CONTAINER anyway, so I don't see much advantage just now.