Am 18.10.2014 um 12:06 schrieb Lex Trotman:
Frank is being modest, I'm sure much of the peak in Europe is the effort that he and others spend at conferences and gatherings promoting Geany. :)
Well, for luck we got a group of usual suspects here together with folks of German Xfce-Community running at least some regular boothes on local events in Germany (CLT in March, FrOScon in August, ORR in November) and around (e.g. Prague we were two weeks ago). So it's really not about me, but mostly about the others running all the offline stuff. To name some it's Enrico, Jiri, Dmaphy and a bunch of others not regular posting on lists (to have just the Geany part of our booths)-- but some of the Germans from this list we are still missing at the boothes ;)
However, I really think you are true. It's extremly important to do talks, being around with boothes etc. to show what we did and what might going to happen und so to make them use your/our crap or like to contribute. Also it is great to meet folks from distributions like packager and of course other usual suspects. Some of them are becoming kind of a familiy during time and you really wonder if they are not appearing. Also folks passing by are always happy to take stickers with them ;) So I'd really like to encourage you to run boothes all over the world at FLOSS-events. If you are not sure, just get in contact with us (as we're having some experince from last 6(?) years). Also we put a lot of stuff to the geany-talks repo incl. some posters and slides of talks I did last years. ->
Cheers, Frank