Le 26/06/2015 19:34, Frank Lanitz a écrit :
Hi folks,
I need to apologize! Due to chunky fingers I accidentally forced-push an old head to geany-plugins master repo. Colomban was able to recover the old state (inkl. same sha) but your client might, depending on when you have cloned/pull the repo, complain that there is something suspicions. So don't panic! Everything under control.
And it's my turn to apologize, as it turns out I committed some things in Frank's name… I tempered with authoring info on my side when trying to mimic a missing commit (it didn't work, though), and forgot to undo this.
I'm actually the one to "blame" for these recent commits on geany-plugins:
* https://github.com/geany/geany-plugins/commit/b318bfdd85e7877130c8350facbf23... * https://github.com/geany/geany-plugins/commit/c71623b4d4d286fcc44e6d86c270cf... * https://github.com/geany/geany-plugins/commit/2322d669f764ca1f958893ed60fc92...
Sorry again for having stole your identity Frank.
Regards, Colomban