On 9 September 2011 16:54, Matthew Brush mbrush@codebrainz.ca wrote:
On 09/08/2011 10:55 PM, Lex Trotman wrote:
You have marking search matches and markers confused. Markers are the little yellow arrow and the plus sign that appear in the margin. Those are what is affected by the marker_translucency setting, not the marked search matches, which is what you were comparing to gedit. The two values of marker_translucency are used for the arrow and the plus respectively. It would appear that the manual is a bit confusing here.
Ah! thanks for clearing that up.
Just for your information, marked search matches are alpha blended rather than just setting a background so that the text is more likely to remain legible. Setting a background would require you to then check and change all highlighting that used colours close to the new background. In contrast so long as foreground and background are different, alpha blending will change both so it is a likely that the text is still visible.
This could be settable and defaulted to 60 in filetypes.common.
Something like this maybe?
# colour, fill alpha, border alpha and whether the # inidicator is drawn over (true) or under (false) text search_indicator=0xFFFF00;60;60;true
Maybe it's not worth coding though.
IMHO not really.
Cheers Lex