Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
Anyone have any idea when the scintilla component is going to be updated?
I notice the documentation here:
We won't accept adding a lexer that conflicts with one in Scintilla. All new lexers should be submitted back to the Scintilla project to save duplication of work.
I agree with the idea of trying to avoid duplication of work. I would like to add syntax highlighting for LLVM but with Geany being out of sync with Scintilla I'm not sure where I should be working. If I do it in Geany then its lost when Geany updates its version of Scintilla and if I do it in Scintilla I have no easy way of testing it.
On top of that myself and others are submitting patches to this mailing list and not even having them acknowledged by anyone with SVN commit access.
I know this is an open source project run by volunteers who may not always have time free to work on the project (I am the author of two well known and widley used FOSS libraries). However, it would be nice if the Geany developers could do one or more of the following:
a) Say "I'm $too_busy_to_work_on_geany now. I will attend to this on $date."
b) Sort out the Scintilla issue as soon as possible and document how the Scintilla files are brought into Geany.
c) Give SVN access to people they trust who can review and apply patches sent to this list.
d) Start a development branch where people can submit patches and have them applied in a timely manner so other people can try them out and comment on them.