On 17 May 2011 12:17, Matthew Brush mbrush@codebrainz.ca wrote:
On 05/16/11 18:05, Lex Trotman wrote:
I agree its better to load the file, but I don't know that it will get less bug reports if I know users (being one) :-)
My main concern with all these comments is to get a situation where there are as few surprises as possible, surprises are what confuses and upsets users.
Maybe the dialog warning that pops up on non-standard text files should say "Warning: Unlike most text editors, Geany is going to open this file despite it containing questionable text. Please do not report any bugs on issues occurring while this document is open." ... hahaha.
Well since 90% of the stuff edited is questionable text (a definition that is independent of containing NULs) maybe we just try applying it to all files :-)
And I might add that even though we see it as an improvement and are thankful, users just take it as a given and go on to the next issue. Sigh...
Heh. See warning above :)
Scite works because it uses Scintilla's built in but limited regex engine, we use the superior system or GNU regex engine, but it only takes a NUL terminated string to search. I don't think this one is fixable, lets put it on the list of things that don't work to be documented. Search is limited to text only.
Yeah, I can't find any info on the GNU regex stuff that indicates it can handle embedded NULs. I'm pretty sure other, arguably superior, regex engines support it (according to BSD man pages and PCRE docs). At this point though, documenting it would be best, at least until we see if there's a workaround. A quick glance at Geany's source and it seems like we're using a mix of the built-in regex engine and the GNU/stdlib stuff, but not by replacing Scintilla regex backend as it suggests to do in the docs. Perhaps this could be something to look at.
No, cut/paste happens in Scintilla we can't do anything about it, but my guess would be that it uses the GTK clipboard, and that only takes NUL terminated strings. Again I think, document and leave.
Haven't checked the source much, but I would assume SCI_COPYRANGE and SCI_COPYTEXT would work since they accept positions/length. According to the GtkClipboard docs, the gtk_clipboard_set_text() take a length argument as well. Further study is required.
Yes but ScintillaGTK.cxx gets the length to pass to the gtk_selection_set_text using strlen, oops...only part is copied to the selection.
And there are some worrying comments about use of \0 in rectangular selections.
So long as truncation doesn't do something destructive.
I think by definition truncation is destructive :)
Heh heh, I meant silently do something destructive that the user might not notice.
So long as they don't do something unexpectedly destructive or crash. You've identified the VCS plugin already.
I haven't looked at much of the plugins' source, so I'm not too sure what they are doing. The issues with GeanyVC and GeanyGenDoc aren't related to NUL chars or anything, just that they use a function for which I changed the signature in these changes, so they would need to be updated accordingly.
Ok, I havn't either.
The things that I am still worried about is code that might get a buffer using strlen, and then it is too short for whats put in it and that causes a crash. Losing all your editor tabs because you opened a file with NULs in it would be bad.
Cheers Lex