Bringing this back to geany-devel.
Am 12.09.2011 11:23, schrieb Lex Trotman:
Hi Thomas,
Yes, and calling Firefox Firefox is one of the reasons for those distros to fork debian :)
Since iceweasel is a pure debian thing, it should perhaps the responsibility of the debian package maintainer to add iceweasel.
Then we should add this to the distro packaging instructions and tell them where to change the hardcoded tools prefs default as well.
Given the rate bugs get found in browsers I wouldn't want to unexpectedly run an old un-updated browser, thats a real risk.
I think that's a bit exaggerated.
So you are happy to keep using the compromised CAs then, since updates only just removed them? Gee, I've got just the web page for you to type your banking details into ;-)
No, but this is not Geany's concern.
Best regards.