This is a great addition, thanks. A couple of quick remarks before I'll test it further:
On Thu, 9 Jul 2009 17:25:33 +1000 Lex Trotman elextr@gmail.com wrote:
- Configuration sourced from project if open, preferences, filetypes,
defaults (in that order)
Can it be that you don't take the user-defined filedefs under ~/.config/geany/filedefs into account? I have an own filedef for haxe e.g. but the configuration dialog shows the compile and execute entries of the general filedef.
- The maximum number of items in each section of the build menu is
Where can that be configured?
- New configuration dialog in the build menu
There's a typo: "Non Filetype Commands" and "Execute Commands" instead of "Comamnds", but I guess the dialog is preliminary for testing anyway.
-- Mockey