Hi Oliver,
I can now see that your patch is actually to the treebrowser plugin, not to Geany itself. Plugins are separately developed and maintained, see http://plugins.geany.org/treebrowser.html for info on that plugin. At the very bottom it says where to submit patches for this plugin.
Of course you may be lucky and the plugin author may be watching this list and shortcut the process.
Cheers Lex
On 8 February 2011 19:13, oliver.marks oliver.marks@gforces.co.uk wrote:
Its preferable to get a patch, it reduces the risk of errors. For instance you don't say which source file this goes in, patches do all that.
How did you get the source?
If you checked out SVN then you just need a "svn diff >file_to_attach_to_mail".
Cheers for that info patch attached to this email, and i now know how to make patch files :)
If you used a tarball then you will need to re-extract the source file you changed to a differrent directory and do "diff original_file changed_file >file_to_attach_to_mail
Cheers Lex
static void on_menu_close_children(GtkMenuItem *menuitem, gchar *uri) { /* go through all documents match with current folder path, and close */ guint nb_documents = geany->documents_array->len;
int i; int uri_len=strlen(uri); for(i=0;i<GEANY(documents_array)->len;i++){ if(documents[i]->is_valid) { if(strlen(documents[i]->file_name)>uri_len){ if(strncmp(uri,documents[i]->file_name,uri_len)==0){ document_close(documents[i]); } } } } }
item = ui_image_menu_item_new(GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, g_strdup_printf(_("Close %s Children "), name)); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(menu), item); g_signal_connect(item, "activate", G_CALLBACK(on_menu_close_children), uri); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(item, is_dir);
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Geany-devel mailing list Geany-devel@uvena.de http://lists.uvena.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/geany-devel
Geany-devel mailing list Geany-devel@uvena.de http://lists.uvena.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/geany-devel