On 08/20/2011 08:18 AM, Colomban Wendling wrote:
Le 19/08/2011 08:40, Frank Lanitz a écrit :
Well, I don't think this is a reason for using the same functions in core, but a good one to use a test framework which is testing the API maybe as a post commit hook.
Would be really good. Not sure how to do this however, we'd need to spawn Geany, load a test plugin… any idea?
I'm afraid we can't do a classic suite of unit tests since we don't have real "units" (maybe we should, but that's another problem...).
This would become much easier with full-coverage API bindings. Vala or Python, for example, would be much more pleasant to write test suites in. Of course with proper bindings, we could also test the plugin API and bindings at the same time (ex. using commit hooks).
I would say have a regular "Test" plugin under `plugins/` which can be built/loaded which runs the full test suite, just run it before pushing a commit that touches the API. Otherwise, it would be possible to compile `WITH_TESTS` which could add a `--test` argument to the GOptions for the main program and then would branch off into some code that would load a special plugin to run some specific tests.
Cheers, Matthew Brush