Branch: refs/heads/master Author: elextr Committer: elextr Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 04:46:45 UTC Commit: b27b3678dd787719a96832cd3a53102e0d66e177
Log Message: ----------- Add boolean to Pascal keyword list
Pascal has a boolean type (see wikipedia entry) fixes bug #1033
Modified Paths: -------------- data/filetypes.pascal
Modified: data/filetypes.pascal 2 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) =================================================================== @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ asm=number_2
[keywords] # all items must be in one line -primary=absolute abstract add and array as asm assembler automated begin break byte case cdecl char class const constructor contains default deprecated destructor dispid dispinterface div do downto dynamic else end except export exports external far file final finalization finally for forward function goto if implementation implements in index inherited initialization inline integer interface is label library message mod name near nil nodefault not object of on or out overload override package packed pascal platform private procedure program property protected public published raise read readonly real record register reintroduce remove repeat requires resourcestring safecall sealed set shl shr static stdcall stored strict string then threadvar to try type unit unsafe until uses var varargs virtual while with word write writeonly xor +primary=absolute abstract add and array as asm assembler automated begin boolean break byte case cdecl char class const constructor contains default deprecated destructor dispid dispinterface div do downto dynamic else end except export exports external far file final finalization finally for forward function goto if implementation implements in index inherited initialization inline integer interface is label library message mod name near nil nodefault not object of on or out overload override package packed pascal platform private procedure program property protected public published raise read readonly real record register reintroduce remove repeat requires resourcestring safecall sealed set shl shr static stdcall stored strict string then threadvar to try type unit unsafe until uses var varargs virtual while with word write writeonly xor
[lexer_properties] # only highlight keywords like read,write if in appropriate context
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