Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: Peter C. S. Scholtens <peter.scholtens(a)>
Committer: GitHub <noreply(a)>
Date: Thu, 04 May 2023 00:21:35 UTC
Commit: d3de0fb1b9c07597d9e3e0159ce5aa537f80d69c…
Log Message:
Update of 2018 edition of Rust (#3484)
Some keywords added, as also the 128-bit integers, see:
Modified Paths:
Modified: data/filedefs/filetypes.rust
4 lines changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ lexerror=error
# all items must be in one line
-primary=abstract alignof as become box break const continue crate do else enum extern false final fn for if impl in let loop macro match mod move mut offsetof override priv proc pub pure ref return self sizeof static struct super trait true type typeof unsafe unsized use virtual where while yield
-secondary=bool char f32 f64 i16 i32 i64 i8 isize str u16 u32 u64 u8 usize
+primary=abstract alignof as async await become box break const continue crate do dyn else enum extern false final fn for if impl in let loop macro match mod move mut offsetof override priv proc pub pure ref return self sizeof static struct super trait true type typeof unsafe unsized use virtual where while yield
+secondary=bool char f32 f64 i128 i16 i32 i64 i8 isize str u128 u16 u32 u64 u8 usize
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Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: Nick Treleaven <ntrel002(a)>
Committer: GitHub <noreply(a)>
Date: Wed, 03 May 2023 15:44:40 UTC
Commit: 18aa2dd1cd027c8a1b437a5483843737a5d9e459…
Log Message:
[docs] Move CSS section to Configuration Files (#3472)
* [docs] Move CSS section to Configuration Files
* Mention Tools menu item
Modified Paths:
Modified: doc/geany.txt
42 lines changed, 21 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
@@ -498,27 +498,6 @@ by specifying the command line option ``--with-vte-module-path`` to
-Customizing Geany's appearance using GTK+ CSS
-To override GTK+ CSS styles, you can use traditional mechanisms or you
-can create a file named ``geany.css`` in the user configuration directory
-(usually ``~/.config/geany``) which will be loaded after other CSS styles
-are applied to allow overriding the default styles.
-Geany offers a number of CSS IDs which can be used to taylor its
-appearance. Among the more interesting include:
-* ``geany-compiler-context`` - the style used for build command output surrounding errors
-* ``geany-compiler-error`` - the style used for build command errors
-* ``geany-compiler-message`` - the style other output encountered while running build command
-* ``geany-document-status-changed`` - the style for document tab labels when the document is changed
-* ``geany-document-status-disk-changed`` - the style for document tab labels when the file on disk has changed
-* ``geany-document-status-readyonly``` - the style for document tab labels when the document is read-only
-* ``geany-search-entry-no-match`` - the style of find/replace dialog entries when no match is found
-* ``geany-terminal-dirty`` - the style for the message window Terminal tab label when the terminal output has changed.
@@ -4043,6 +4022,27 @@ template files.
amount of time.
+Customizing Geany's appearance using GTK+ CSS
+To override GTK+ CSS styles, you can use traditional mechanisms or you
+can use the *Tools->Configuration files* menu to open a file named
+``geany.css`` which will be loaded after other CSS styles
+are applied to allow overriding the default styles.
+Geany offers a number of CSS IDs which can be used to taylor its
+appearance. Among the more interesting include:
+* ``geany-compiler-context`` - the style used for build command output surrounding errors
+* ``geany-compiler-error`` - the style used for build command errors
+* ``geany-compiler-message`` - the style other output encountered while running build command
+* ``geany-document-status-changed`` - the style for document tab labels when the document is changed
+* ``geany-document-status-disk-changed`` - the style for document tab labels when the file on disk has changed
+* ``geany-document-status-readyonly``` - the style for document tab labels when the document is read-only
+* ``geany-search-entry-no-match`` - the style of find/replace dialog entries when no match is found
+* ``geany-terminal-dirty`` - the style for the message window Terminal tab label when the terminal output has changed.
Global configuration file
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