Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: Thomas Martitz <kugel(a)>
Committer: Thomas Martitz <kugel(a)>
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 2016 16:50:23 UTC
Commit: bfa0946420d49a23caeec17af21c95b11de5a5fe…
Log Message:
doxygen: various doxygen-related fixes in preparation for gtkdoc generation
Modified Paths:
[View More]pluginsymbols.c
Modified: doc/
13 lines changed, 12 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
@@ -247,7 +247,18 @@ ALIASES = "signal=- @ref " \
"endsignalproto=@endcode " \
"signaldesc=" \
"signals=@b Signals: " \
- "endsignals= "
+ "endsignals= " \
+ "addtogir=@internal"
+ALIASES += "transfer{1}=\a \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:transfer\">\1</simplesect>\endxmlonly \htmlonly (transfer: \1) \endhtmlonly"
+ALIASES += "elementtype{1}=\a \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:element-type\">\1</simplesect>\endxmlonly \htmlonly (element-type: \1) \endhtmlonly"
+ALIASES += "scope{1}=\a \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:scope\">\1</simplesect>\endxmlonly \htmlonly (scope: \1) \endhtmlonly"
+ALIASES += "skip=\a \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:skip\"></simplesect>\endxmlonly"
+ALIASES += "null=\a \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:nullable\"></simplesect>\endxmlonly"
+ALIASES += "cb=\a \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:cb\"></simplesect>\endxmlonly"
+ALIASES += "cbdata=\a \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:cbdata\"></simplesect>\endxmlonly"
+ALIASES += "cbfree=\a \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:cbfree\"></simplesect>\endxmlonly"
# This tag can be used to specify a number of word-keyword mappings (TCL only).
# A mapping has the form "name=value". For example adding "class=itcl::class"
Modified: doc/pluginsymbols.c
4 lines changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
@@ -87,7 +87,9 @@ KeyBindingGroup *plugin_key_group;
* @param dialog The plugin preferences dialog widget - this should only be used to
* connect the @c "response" signal. If settings should be read from the dialog, the
* response will be either @c GTK_RESPONSE_OK or @c GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY.
- * @return A container widget holding preference widgets.
+ *
+ * @return @transfer{floating} A container widget holding preference widgets.
+ *
* @note Using @link stash.h Stash @endlink can make implementing preferences easier.
* @see plugin_configure_single(). */
GtkWidget *plugin_configure(GtkDialog *dialog);
Modified: src/document.c
18 lines changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ static GtkWidget* document_show_message(GeanyDocument *doc, GtkMessageType msgty
* @param realname The filename to search, which should be identical to the
* string returned by @c tm_get_real_path().
- * @return The matching document, or @c NULL.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The matching document, or @c NULL.
* @note This is only really useful when passing a @c TMSourceFile::file_name.
* @see GeanyDocument::real_path.
* @see document_find_by_filename().
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ static gchar *get_real_path_from_utf8(const gchar *utf8_filename)
* @param utf8_filename The filename to search (in UTF-8 encoding).
- * @return The matching document, or @c NULL.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The matching document, or @c NULL.
* @see document_find_by_real_path().
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ GeanyDocument *document_find_by_sci(ScintillaObject *sci)
* Useful when the corresponding document may have been closed since the
* ID was retrieved.
* @param id The ID of the document to find
- * @return @c NULL if the document is no longer open.
+ * @return @transfer{none} @c NULL if the document is no longer open.
* Example:
* @code
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ GeanyDocument *document_get_from_notebook_child(GtkWidget *page)
* @param page_num The notebook page number to search.
- * @return The corresponding document for the given notebook page, or @c NULL.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The corresponding document for the given notebook page, or @c NULL.
GeanyDocument *document_get_from_page(guint page_num)
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ GeanyDocument *document_get_from_page(guint page_num)
* Finds the current document.
- * @return A pointer to the current document or @c NULL if there are no opened documents.
+ * @return @transfer{none} A pointer to the current document or @c NULL if there are no opened documents.
GeanyDocument *document_get_current(void)
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ GeanyDocument *document_new_file_if_non_open(void)
* @param ft The filetype to set or @c NULL to detect it from @a filename if not @c NULL.
* @param text The initial content of the file (in UTF-8 encoding), or @c NULL.
- * @return The new document.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The new document.
GeanyDocument *document_new_file(const gchar *utf8_filename, GeanyFiletype *ft, const gchar *text)
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ GeanyDocument *document_new_file(const gchar *utf8_filename, GeanyFiletype *ft,
* @param ft The filetype for the document or @c NULL to auto-detect the filetype.
* @param forced_enc The file encoding to use or @c NULL to auto-detect the file encoding.
- * @return The document opened or @c NULL.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The document opened or @c NULL.
GeanyDocument *document_open_file(const gchar *locale_filename, gboolean readonly,
@@ -1558,7 +1558,7 @@ void document_open_file_list(const gchar *data, gsize length)
* Opens each file in the list @a filenames.
* Internally, document_open_file() is called for every list item.
- * @param filenames A list of filenames to load, in locale encoding.
+ * @param filenames @elementtype{filename} A list of filenames to load, in locale encoding.
* @param readonly Whether to open the document in read-only mode.
* @param ft The filetype for the document or @c NULL to auto-detect the filetype.
* @param forced_enc The file encoding to use or @c NULL to auto-detect the file encoding.
@@ -3290,7 +3290,7 @@ const GdkColor *document_get_status_color(GeanyDocument *doc)
/** Accessor function for @ref documents_array items.
* @warning Always check the returned document is valid (@c doc->is_valid).
* @param idx @c documents_array index.
- * @return The document, or @c NULL if @a idx is out of range.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The document, or @c NULL if @a idx is out of range.
* @since 0.16
Modified: src/editor.c
2 lines changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
@@ -4871,7 +4871,7 @@ static ScintillaObject *create_new_sci(GeanyEditor *editor)
/** Creates a new Scintilla @c GtkWidget based on the settings for @a editor.
* @param editor Editor settings.
- * @return The new widget.
+ * @return @transfer{floating} The new widget.
* @since 0.15
Modified: src/editor.h
2 lines changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ typedef enum
+/** @addtogir
+ * Auto indentation modes */
typedef enum
Modified: src/filetypes.c
19 lines changed, 13 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
@@ -55,7 +55,14 @@
#define GEANY_FILETYPE_SEARCH_LINES 2 /* lines of file to search for filetype */
-GPtrArray *filetypes_array = NULL; /* Dynamic array of filetype pointers */
+/** Dynamic array of filetype pointers
+ *
+ * List the list is dynamically expanded for custom filetypes filetypes so don't expect
+ * the list of known filetypes to be a constant.
+ *
+ * @elementtype{GeanyFiletype}
+ * */
+GPtrArray *filetypes_array = NULL;
static GHashTable *filetypes_hash = NULL; /* Hash of filetype pointers based on name keys */
@@ -233,7 +240,7 @@ static gint cmp_filetype(gconstpointer pft1, gconstpointer pft2, gpointer data)
/** Gets a list of filetype pointers sorted by name.
* The list does not change on subsequent calls.
- * @return The list - do not free.
+ * @return @elementtype{GeanyFiletype} @transfer{none} The list - do not free.
* @see filetypes_by_title. */
const GSList *filetypes_get_sorted_by_name(void)
@@ -764,8 +771,8 @@ GeanyFiletype *filetypes_detect_from_document(GeanyDocument *doc)
* @param utf8_filename The filename in UTF-8 encoding.
- * @return The detected filetype for @a utf8_filename or @c filetypes[GEANY_FILETYPES_NONE]
- * if it could not be detected.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The detected filetype for @a utf8_filename or
+ * @c filetypes[GEANY_FILETYPES_NONE] if it could not be detected.
GeanyFiletype *filetypes_detect_from_file(const gchar *utf8_filename)
@@ -1246,7 +1253,7 @@ gboolean filetype_has_tags(GeanyFiletype *ft)
/** Finds a filetype pointer from its @a name field.
* @param name Filetype name.
- * @return The filetype found, or @c NULL.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The filetype found, or @c NULL.
* @since 0.15
@@ -1492,7 +1499,7 @@ void filetypes_reload_extensions(void)
/** Accessor function for @ref GeanyData::filetypes_array items.
* Example: @code ft = filetypes_index(GEANY_FILETYPES_C); @endcode
* @param idx @c filetypes_array index.
- * @return The filetype, or @c NULL if @a idx is out of range.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The filetype, or @c NULL if @a idx is out of range.
* @since 0.16
Modified: src/filetypes.h
3 lines changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -113,6 +113,9 @@ GeanyFiletypeID;
#define filetype_id GeanyFiletypeID /* compat define - should be removed in the future */
+/** Filetype categories
+ *
+ * These are used to provide submenus for each category in the GUI */
typedef enum
Modified: src/keybindings.c
10 lines changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ GdkModifierType keybindings_get_modifiers(GdkModifierType mods)
/** Looks up a keybinding item.
* @param group Group.
* @param key_id Keybinding index for the group.
- * @return The keybinding.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The keybinding.
* @since 0.19. */
GeanyKeyBinding *keybindings_get_item(GeanyKeyGroup *group, gsize key_id)
@@ -216,11 +216,11 @@ GeanyKeyBinding *keybindings_set_item(GeanyKeyGroup *group, gsize key_id,
* @param kf_name Key name for the configuration file, such as @c "menu_new".
* @param label Label used in the preferences dialog keybindings tab. May contain
* underscores - these won't be displayed.
- * @param menu_item Optional widget to set an accelerator for, or @c NULL.
- * @param cb New-style callback to be called when activated, or @c NULL to use the group callback.
- * @param pdata Plugin-specific data passed back to the callback.
+ * @param menu_item @null Optional widget to set an accelerator for, or @c NULL.
+ * @param cb @null New-style callback to be called when activated, or @c NULL to use the group callback.
+ * @param pdata Plugin-specific data passed back to the callback @a cb.
* @param destroy_notify Function that is invoked to free the plugin data when not needed anymore.
- * @return The keybinding - normally this is ignored.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The keybinding - normally this is ignored.
* @since 1.26 (API 226)
* @see See plugin_set_key_group_full
Modified: src/plugindata.h
4 lines changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ typedef struct GeanyData
struct GeanyApp *app; /**< Geany application data fields */
struct GeanyMainWidgets *main_widgets; /**< Important widgets in the main window */
- GPtrArray *documents_array; /**< See document.h#documents_array. */
- GPtrArray *filetypes_array; /**< Dynamic array of GeanyFiletype pointers */
+ GPtrArray *documents_array; /**< See document.h#documents_array. @elementtype{GeanyDocument} */
+ GPtrArray *filetypes_array; /**< Dynamic array of GeanyFiletype pointers. @elementtype{GeanyFiletype} */
struct GeanyPrefs *prefs; /**< General settings */
struct GeanyInterfacePrefs *interface_prefs; /**< Interface settings */
struct GeanyToolbarPrefs *toolbar_prefs; /**< Toolbar settings */
Modified: src/pluginutils.c
16 lines changed, 11 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
@@ -128,7 +128,9 @@ void plugin_module_make_resident(GeanyPlugin *plugin)
* object has been destroyed), and disconnect yourself or not as appropriate.
* @note Since version 1.25 (API >= 218), the object lifetime is watched and so the above
* restriction does not apply. However, for objects destroyed by the plugin,
- * @c g_signal_connect() is safe and has lower overhead. */
+ * @c g_signal_connect() is safe and has lower overhead.
+ * @skip
+ **/
void plugin_signal_connect(GeanyPlugin *plugin,
GObject *object, const gchar *signal_name, gboolean after,
@@ -241,6 +243,7 @@ static guint plugin_source_add(GeanyPlugin *plugin, GSource *source, GSourceFunc
* @see g_timeout_add()
* @since 0.21, plugin API 205.
+ * @skip
guint plugin_timeout_add(GeanyPlugin *plugin, guint interval, GSourceFunc function, gpointer data)
@@ -261,6 +264,7 @@ guint plugin_timeout_add(GeanyPlugin *plugin, guint interval, GSourceFunc functi
* @see g_timeout_add_seconds()
* @since 0.21, plugin API 205.
+ * @skip
guint plugin_timeout_add_seconds(GeanyPlugin *plugin, guint interval, GSourceFunc function,
@@ -281,6 +285,7 @@ guint plugin_timeout_add_seconds(GeanyPlugin *plugin, guint interval, GSourceFun
* @see g_idle_add()
* @since 0.21, plugin API 205.
+ * @skip
guint plugin_idle_add(GeanyPlugin *plugin, GSourceFunc function, gpointer data)
@@ -296,7 +301,8 @@ guint plugin_idle_add(GeanyPlugin *plugin, GSourceFunc function, gpointer data)
* @param count Number of keybindings for the group.
* @param callback Group callback, or @c NULL if you only want individual keybinding callbacks.
* @return The plugin's keybinding group.
- * @since 0.19. */
+ * @since 0.19.
+ * @skip */
GeanyKeyGroup *plugin_set_key_group(GeanyPlugin *plugin,
const gchar *section_name, gsize count, GeanyKeyGroupCallback callback)
@@ -315,10 +321,10 @@ GeanyKeyGroup *plugin_set_key_group(GeanyPlugin *plugin,
* @param plugin Must be @ref geany_plugin.
* @param section_name Name used in the configuration file, such as @c "html_chars".
* @param count Number of keybindings for the group.
- * @param cb New-style group callback, or @c NULL if you only want individual keybinding callbacks.
- * @param pdata Plugin specific data, passed to the group callback.
+ * @param cb @null New-style group callback, or @c NULL if you only want individual keybinding callbacks.
+ * @param pdata Plugin specific data, passed to the group callback @a cb.
* @param destroy_notify Function that is invoked to free the plugin data when not needed anymore.
- * @return The plugin's keybinding group.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The plugin's keybinding group.
* @since 1.26 (API 226)
* @see See keybindings_set_item
Modified: src/search.h
9 lines changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
@@ -43,12 +43,15 @@ typedef enum GeanyFindFlags
-enum GeanyFindSelOptions
+/** @addtogir
+ * Find selection options */
+typedef enum
/** Search preferences */
typedef struct GeanySearchPrefs
@@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ typedef struct GeanySearchPrefs
gboolean use_current_file_dir; /* find in files directory to use on showing dialog */
gboolean hide_find_dialog; /* hide the find dialog on next or previous */
gboolean replace_and_find_by_default; /* enter in replace window performs Replace & Find instead of Replace */
- enum GeanyFindSelOptions find_selection_type;
+ GeanyFindSelOptions find_selection_type;
Modified: src/spawn.c
1 lines changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -999,6 +999,7 @@ static void spawn_watch_cb(GPid pid, gint status, gpointer data)
* @return @c TRUE on success, @c FALSE on error.
* @since 1.25
+ * @skip
gboolean spawn_with_callbacks(const gchar *working_directory, const gchar *command_line,
Modified: src/stash.c
2 lines changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ static void free_stash_pref(StashPref *pref)
/** Creates a new group.
* @param name Name used for @c GKeyFile group.
- * @return Group. */
+ * @return @transfer{full} Group. */
StashGroup *stash_group_new(const gchar *name)
Modified: src/ui_utils.c
29 lines changed, 19 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
@@ -1461,7 +1461,10 @@ void ui_update_view_editor_menu_items(void)
/** Creates a GNOME HIG-style frame (with no border and indented child alignment).
* @param label_text The label text.
* @param alignment An address to store the alignment widget pointer.
- * @return The frame widget, setting the alignment container for packing child widgets. */
+ *
+ * @return @transfer{floating} The frame widget, setting the alignment container for
+ * packing child widgets.
+ **/
GtkWidget *ui_frame_new_with_alignment(const gchar *label_text, GtkWidget **alignment)
@@ -1484,7 +1487,8 @@ GtkWidget *ui_frame_new_with_alignment(const gchar *label_text, GtkWidget **alig
/** Makes a fixed border for dialogs without increasing the button box border.
* @param dialog The parent container for the @c GtkVBox.
- * @return The packed @c GtkVBox. */
+ *
+ * @return @transfer{none} The packed @c GtkVBox. */
GtkWidget *ui_dialog_vbox_new(GtkDialog *dialog)
@@ -1535,7 +1539,8 @@ void ui_dialog_set_primary_button_order(GtkDialog *dialog, gint response, ...)
* @c gtk_button_new_from_stock().
* @param stock_id A @c GTK_STOCK_NAME string.
* @param text Button label text, can include mnemonics.
- * @return The new @c GtkButton.
+ *
+ * @return @transfer{floating} The new @c GtkButton.
GtkWidget *ui_button_new_with_image(const gchar *stock_id, const gchar *text)
@@ -1554,7 +1559,7 @@ GtkWidget *ui_button_new_with_image(const gchar *stock_id, const gchar *text)
/** Creates a @c GtkImageMenuItem with a stock image and a custom label.
* @param stock_id Stock image ID, e.g. @c GTK_STOCK_OPEN.
* @param label Menu item label, can include mnemonics.
- * @return The new @c GtkImageMenuItem.
+ * @return @transfer{floating} The new @c GtkImageMenuItem.
* @since 0.16
@@ -1898,7 +1903,8 @@ void ui_widget_modify_font_from_string(GtkWidget *widget, const gchar *str)
* @param action The mode of the file chooser.
* @param entry Can be an unpacked @c GtkEntry, or the child of an unpacked widget,
* such as @c GtkComboBoxEntry.
- * @return The @c GtkHBox.
+ *
+ * @return @transfer{floating} The @c GtkHBox.
/* @see ui_setup_open_button_callback(). */
@@ -2651,7 +2657,8 @@ void ui_widget_set_tooltip_text(GtkWidget *widget, const gchar *text)
* you want returned.
* @param widget Widget with the @a widget_name property set.
* @param widget_name Name to lookup.
- * @return The widget found.
+ *
+ * @return @transfer{none} The widget found.
* @see ui_hookup_widget().
* @since 0.16
@@ -2839,10 +2846,11 @@ GtkWidget *ui_label_new_bold(const gchar *text)
/** Adds a list of document items to @a menu.
* @param menu Menu.
* @param active Which document to highlight, or @c NULL.
- * @param callback is used for each menu item's @c "activate" signal and will be passed
- * the corresponding document pointer as @c user_data.
+ * @param callback is used for each menu item's @c "activate" signal and will be
+ * passed the corresponding document pointer as @c user_data.
* @warning You should check @c doc->is_valid in the callback.
- * @since 0.19 */
+ * @since 0.19
+ * @skip */
void ui_menu_add_document_items(GtkMenu *menu, GeanyDocument *active, GCallback callback)
@@ -2863,7 +2871,8 @@ void ui_menu_add_document_items(GtkMenu *menu, GeanyDocument *active, GCallback
* the corresponding document pointer as @c user_data.
* @param compare_func is used to sort the list. Might be @c NULL to not sort the list.
* @warning You should check @c doc->is_valid in the callback.
- * @since 0.21 */
+ * @since 0.21
+ * @skip */
void ui_menu_add_document_items_sorted(GtkMenu *menu, GeanyDocument *active,
GCallback callback, GCompareFunc compare_func)
Modified: src/utils.c
15 lines changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
@@ -1405,8 +1405,8 @@ gint utils_mkdir(const gchar *path, gboolean create_parent_dirs)
* @param sort Whether to sort alphabetically (UTF-8 safe).
* @param error The location for storing a possible error, or @c NULL.
- * @return A newly allocated list or @c NULL if no files were found. The list and its data should be
- * freed when no longer needed.
+ * @return @elementtype{filename} @transfer{full} A newly allocated list or @c NULL if
+ * no files were found. The list and its data should be freed when no longer needed.
* @see utils_get_file_list().
@@ -1450,8 +1450,8 @@ GSList *utils_get_file_list_full(const gchar *path, gboolean full_path, gboolean
* unless @c NULL.
* @param error The location for storing a possible error, or @c NULL.
- * @return A newly allocated list or @c NULL if no files were found. The list and its data should be
- * freed when no longer needed.
+ * @return @elementtype{filename} @transfer{full} A newly allocated list or @c NULL
+ * if no files were found. The list and its data should be freed when no longer needed.
* @see utils_get_file_list_full().
@@ -1651,7 +1651,7 @@ const gchar *utils_get_default_dir_utf8(void)
* @param argv The child's argument vector.
* @param env The child's environment, or @c NULL to inherit parent's.
* @param flags Ignored.
- * @param child_setup Ignored.
+ * @param child_setup @skip Ignored.
* @param user_data Ignored.
* @param std_out The return location for child output, or @c NULL.
* @param std_err The return location for child error messages, or @c NULL.
@@ -1686,7 +1686,7 @@ gboolean utils_spawn_sync(const gchar *dir, gchar **argv, gchar **env, GSpawnFla
* @param argv The child's argument vector.
* @param env The child's environment, or @c NULL to inherit parent's.
* @param flags Ignored.
- * @param child_setup Ignored.
+ * @param child_setup @skip Ignored.
* @param user_data Ignored.
* @param child_pid The return location for child process ID, or NULL.
* @param error The return location for error or @c NULL.
@@ -1955,11 +1955,12 @@ static gboolean str_in_array(const gchar **haystack, const gchar *needle)
* The argument list must be @c NULL-terminated.
+ *
* @param exclude_vars @c NULL-terminated array of variable names to exclude.
* @param first_varname Name of the first variable to copy into the new array.
* @param ... Key-value pairs of variable names and values, @c NULL-terminated.
- * @return The new environment array. Use @c g_strfreev() to free it.
+ * @return @transfer{full} The new environment array. Use @c g_strfreev() to free it.
gchar **utils_copy_environment(const gchar **exclude_vars, const gchar *first_varname, ...)
Modified: tagmanager/src/tm_workspace.c
4 lines changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ static void tm_workspace_update(void)
/** Adds multiple source files to the workspace and updates the workspace tag arrays.
This is more efficient than calling tm_workspace_add_source_file() and
tm_workspace_update_source_file() separately for each of the files.
- @param source_files The source files to be added to the workspace.
+ @param source_files @elementtype{TMSourceFile} The source files to be added to the workspace.
void tm_workspace_add_source_files(GPtrArray *source_files)
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ void tm_workspace_add_source_files(GPtrArray *source_files)
arrays. This is more efficient than calling tm_workspace_remove_source_file()
separately for each of the files. To completely free the TMSourceFile pointers
call tm_source_file_free() on each of them.
- @param source_files The source files to be removed from the workspace.
+ @param source_files @elementtype{TMSourceFile} The source files to be removed from the workspace.
void tm_workspace_remove_source_files(GPtrArray *source_files)
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[View Less]
Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: Thomas Martitz <kugel(a)>
Committer: Thomas Martitz <kugel(a)>
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 2016 16:50:23 UTC
Commit: d8f75b7d0f325ed930aed03f8d3122279b3a3a03…
Log Message:
doxygen: generate xml too in preparation for gtkdoc generation
A script will use the xml to generate a gtkdoc'ized header of the plugin API.
[View More]The xml files are also installed so that external users can use the xml
that corresponds to the installed version of Geany.
For now a separet doxyfile is used because the gtkdoc'ized header needs
a few types to be documented which not desired to be documented generally.
Modified Paths:
Modified: .gitignore
1 lines changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
# /doc/
Modified: doc/
16 lines changed, 13 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
@@ -99,14 +99,24 @@ doxygen_sources = \
$(top_srcdir)/tagmanager/src/tm_source_file.[ch] \
-Doxyfile.stamp: Doxyfile $(doxygen_sources)
- $(AM_V_GEN)$(DOXYGEN) Doxyfile && echo "" > $@
+# set WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED because apparently doxygens warns for undocumented stuff
+# in headers (even though it's correctly documented in the corresponding .c file) only
+# for xml output
+Doxyfile-gi: Doxyfile
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(SED) \
+ -e 's,^\(GENERATE_HTML.*\)YES,\1NO,' \
+ -e 's,^\(GENERATE_XML.*\)NO,\1YES,' \
+ -e 's,^\(WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED.*\)YES,\1NO,' \
+ $< > $@ || { $(RM) $@ && exit 1; }
+Doxyfile.stamp: Doxyfile Doxyfile-gi $(doxygen_sources)
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(DOXYGEN) Doxyfile-gi && $(DOXYGEN) Doxyfile && echo "" > $@
all-local: Doxyfile.stamp
clean-local: clean-api-docs-local
- -rm -rf reference/ Doxyfile.stamp doxygen_*
+ -rm -rf reference/ xml/ Doxyfile.stamp doxygen_*
This E-Mail was brought to you by (Source:
[View Less]
Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: Colomban Wendling <ban(a)>
Committer: Colomban Wendling <ban(a)>
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2016 19:34:46 UTC
Commit: 85f556b38118b6f5a2d11d719c519c146354ded5…
Log Message:
Make Doxygen happy about signallist.i
Doesn't alter the documentation output in anyway, but shuts Doxygen up
about it not finiding …
[View More]the file.
Modified Paths:
Modified: doc/
2 lines changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
@@ -2016,7 +2016,7 @@ SEARCH_INCLUDES = NO
# preprocessor.
# This tag requires that the tag SEARCH_INCLUDES is set to YES.
+INCLUDE_PATH = @top_builddir@/src/
# You can use the INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard
# patterns (like *.h and *.hpp) to filter out the header-files in the
This E-Mail was brought to you by (Source:
[View Less]
Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: Colomban Wendling <ban(a)>
Committer: Colomban Wendling <ban(a)>
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2016 18:25:53 UTC
Commit: 47816339b6e14d2d365247cf899fb7dc68258b65…
Log Message:
Merge pull request #911 from b4n/deprecations
Deprecations cleanup and improvement
Modified Paths:
[View More]
Modified: HACKING
14 lines changed, 14 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -176,6 +176,20 @@ libs (including GLib, GDK and Pango) has the advantages
that you don't get confused by any newer API additions and you
don't have to take care about whether you can use them or not.
+You might want to pass the ``-DGLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED=GLIB_VERSION_2_28`` C
+preprocessor flag to get warnings about newer symbols from the GLib.
+On the contrary, you might also want to get deprecation warnings for symbols
+deprecated in newer versions, typically when preparing a dependency bump or
+trying to improve forward compatibility.
+To do so, use the ``-UGLIB_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED`` flag for GLib deprecations,
+To change the lower deprecation bound for GLib (and then get warnings about
+symbols deprecated more recently) instead of simply removing it entirely, use
+See `Compiler options & warnings`_ for how to set such flags.
* Don't write long functions with a lot of variables and/or scopes - break
7 lines changed, 7 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -78,6 +78,13 @@ gtk_modules="$gtk_package >= $gtk_min_version glib-2.0 >= 2.28"
gtk_modules_private="gio-2.0 >= 2.28 gmodule-no-export-2.0"
PKG_CHECK_MODULES([GTK], [$gtk_modules $gtk_modules_private])
AC_SUBST([DEPENDENCIES], [$gtk_modules])
+dnl Define minimum requirements to avoid warnings about symbols deprecated afterward.
+dnl Although GLIB_VERSION_2_28 is new in 2.32, older versions won't evaluate
+dnl GLIB_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED so it won't be a problem.
+dnl Disable all GTK deprecations on 3.x so long as we want to keep 2.x support and only require 3.0.
+dnl No need on 2.x as we target the latest version.
GTK_VERSION=`$PKG_CONFIG --modversion $gtk_package`
Modified: doc/
2 lines changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -2037,6 +2037,8 @@ INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS =
Modified: plugins/filebrowser.c
8 lines changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
@@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ enum
@@ -1122,6 +1120,7 @@ static void kb_activate(guint key_id)
void plugin_init(GeanyData *data)
+ GeanyKeyGroup *key_group;
GtkWidget *scrollwin, *toolbar, *filterbar;
filter = NULL;
@@ -1160,9 +1159,10 @@ void plugin_init(GeanyData *data)
file_view_vbox, gtk_label_new(_("Files")));
/* setup keybindings */
- keybindings_set_item(plugin_key_group, KB_FOCUS_FILE_LIST, kb_activate,
+ key_group = plugin_set_key_group(geany_plugin, "file_browser", KB_COUNT, NULL);
+ keybindings_set_item(key_group, KB_FOCUS_FILE_LIST, kb_activate,
0, 0, "focus_file_list", _("Focus File List"), NULL);
- keybindings_set_item(plugin_key_group, KB_FOCUS_PATH_ENTRY, kb_activate,
+ keybindings_set_item(key_group, KB_FOCUS_PATH_ENTRY, kb_activate,
0, 0, "focus_path_entry", _("Focus Path Entry"), NULL);
plugin_signal_connect(geany_plugin, NULL, "document-activate", TRUE,
Modified: plugins/htmlchars.c
11 lines changed, 6 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "SciLexer.h"
+GeanyPlugin *geany_plugin;
GeanyData *geany_data;
@@ -49,8 +50,6 @@ enum
@@ -734,6 +733,7 @@ static void init_configuration(void)
/* Called by Geany to initialise the plugin */
void plugin_init(GeanyData *data)
+ GeanyKeyGroup *key_group;
GtkWidget *menu_item;
const gchar *menu_text = _("_Insert Special HTML Characters...");
@@ -779,13 +779,14 @@ void plugin_init(GeanyData *data)
main_menu_item = menu_item;
/* setup keybindings */
- keybindings_set_item(plugin_key_group, KB_INSERT_HTML_CHARS,
+ key_group = plugin_set_key_group(geany_plugin, "html_chars", KB_COUNT, NULL);
+ keybindings_set_item(key_group, KB_INSERT_HTML_CHARS,
kb_activate, 0, 0, "insert_html_chars",
_("Insert Special HTML Characters"), menu_item);
- keybindings_set_item(plugin_key_group, KB_REPLACE_HTML_ENTITIES,
+ keybindings_set_item(key_group, KB_REPLACE_HTML_ENTITIES,
kb_special_chars_replacement, 0, 0, "replace_special_characters",
_("Replace special characters"), NULL);
- keybindings_set_item(plugin_key_group, KB_HTMLTOGGLE_ACTIVE,
+ keybindings_set_item(key_group, KB_HTMLTOGGLE_ACTIVE,
kbhtmltoggle_toggle, 0, 0, "htmltoogle_toggle_plugin_status",
_("Toggle plugin status"), menu_htmltoggle);
Modified: src/geany.h
8 lines changed, 8 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -55,6 +55,14 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
/* Re-defined by plugindata.h as something else */
#ifndef GEANY
# define GEANY(symbol_name) symbol_name
Modified: src/plugindata.h
105 lines changed, 52 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
+#include "geany.h" /* for GEANY_DEPRECATED */
#include "build.h" /* GeanyBuildGroup, GeanyBuildSource, GeanyBuildCmdEntries enums */
#include "document.h" /* GeanyDocument */
#include "editor.h" /* GeanyEditor, GeanyIndentType */
@@ -146,35 +147,6 @@ PluginInfo;
-/** @deprecated - use plugin_set_key_group() instead.
- * @see PLUGIN_KEY_GROUP() macro. */
-typedef struct GeanyKeyGroupInfo
- const gchar *name; /**< Group name used in the configuration file, such as @c "html_chars" */
- gsize count; /**< The number of keybindings the group will hold */
-/** @deprecated - use plugin_set_key_group() instead.
- * Declare and initialise a keybinding group.
- * @code GeanyKeyGroup *plugin_key_group; @endcode
- * You must then set the @c plugin_key_group::keys[] entries for the group in plugin_init(),
- * normally using keybindings_set_item().
- * The @c plugin_key_group::label field is set by Geany after @c plugin_init()
- * is called, to the name of the plugin.
- * @param group_name A unique group name (without quotes) to be used in the
- * configuration file, such as @c html_chars.
- * @param key_count The number of keybindings the group will hold. */
-#define PLUGIN_KEY_GROUP(group_name, key_count) \
- /* We have to declare this as a single element array.
- * Declaring as a pointer to a struct doesn't work with g_module_symbol(). */ \
- GeanyKeyGroupInfo plugin_key_group_info[1] = \
- { \
- {G_STRINGIFY(group_name), key_count} \
- };\
- GeanyKeyGroup *plugin_key_group = NULL;
/** Callback array entry type used with the @ref plugin_callbacks symbol. */
typedef struct PluginCallback
@@ -193,29 +165,6 @@ typedef struct PluginCallback
-/** @deprecated Use @ref ui_add_document_sensitive() instead.
- * Flags to be set by plugins in PluginFields struct. */
-typedef enum
- /** Whether a plugin's menu item should be disabled when there are no open documents */
-/** @deprecated Use @ref ui_add_document_sensitive() instead.
- * Fields set and owned by the plugin. */
-typedef struct PluginFields
- /** Bitmask of @c PluginFlags. */
- PluginFlags flags;
- /** Pointer to a plugin's menu item which will be automatically enabled/disabled when there
- * are no open documents and @c PLUGIN_IS_DOCUMENT_SENSITIVE is set.
- * This is required if using @c PLUGIN_IS_DOCUMENT_SENSITIVE, ignored otherwise */
- GtkWidget *menu_item;
/** This contains pointers to global variables owned by Geany for plugins to use.
* Core variable pointers can be appended when needed by plugin authors, if appropriate. */
typedef struct GeanyData
@@ -406,7 +355,57 @@ gint geany_plugin_register_proxy(GeanyPlugin *plugin, const gchar **extensions);
/* This remains so that older plugins that contain a `GeanyFunctions *geany_functions;`
* variable in their plugin - as was previously required - will still compile
* without changes. */
-typedef struct GeanyFunctionsUndefined GeanyFunctions;
+typedef struct GeanyFunctionsUndefined GeanyFunctions GEANY_DEPRECATED;
+/** @deprecated - use plugin_set_key_group() instead.
+ * @see PLUGIN_KEY_GROUP() macro. */
+typedef struct GeanyKeyGroupInfo
+ const gchar *name; /**< Group name used in the configuration file, such as @c "html_chars" */
+ gsize count; /**< The number of keybindings the group will hold */
+GeanyKeyGroupInfo GEANY_DEPRECATED_FOR(plugin_set_key_group);
+/** @deprecated - use plugin_set_key_group() instead.
+ * Declare and initialise a keybinding group.
+ * @code GeanyKeyGroup *plugin_key_group; @endcode
+ * You must then set the @c plugin_key_group::keys[] entries for the group in plugin_init(),
+ * normally using keybindings_set_item().
+ * The @c plugin_key_group::label field is set by Geany after @c plugin_init()
+ * is called, to the name of the plugin.
+ * @param group_name A unique group name (without quotes) to be used in the
+ * configuration file, such as @c html_chars.
+ * @param key_count The number of keybindings the group will hold. */
+#define PLUGIN_KEY_GROUP(group_name, key_count) \
+ /* We have to declare this as a single element array.
+ * Declaring as a pointer to a struct doesn't work with g_module_symbol(). */ \
+ GeanyKeyGroupInfo plugin_key_group_info[1] = \
+ { \
+ {G_STRINGIFY(group_name), key_count} \
+ };\
+ GeanyKeyGroup *plugin_key_group = NULL;
+/** @deprecated Use @ref ui_add_document_sensitive() instead.
+ * Flags to be set by plugins in PluginFields struct. */
+typedef enum
+ /** Whether a plugin's menu item should be disabled when there are no open documents */
+/** @deprecated Use @ref ui_add_document_sensitive() instead.
+ * Fields set and owned by the plugin. */
+typedef struct PluginFields
+ /** Bitmask of @c PluginFlags. */
+ PluginFlags flags;
+ /** Pointer to a plugin's menu item which will be automatically enabled/disabled when there
+ * are no open documents and @c PLUGIN_IS_DOCUMENT_SENSITIVE is set.
+ * This is required if using @c PLUGIN_IS_DOCUMENT_SENSITIVE, ignored otherwise */
+ GtkWidget *menu_item;
+PluginFields GEANY_DEPRECATED_FOR(ui_add_document_sensitive);
#define document_reload_file document_reload_force
Modified: src/sciwrappers.h
9 lines changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+#include "geany.h" /* for GEANY_DEPRECATED */
#include "gtkcompat.h" /* Needed by ScintillaWidget.h */
#include "Scintilla.h" /* Needed by ScintillaWidget.h */
#include "ScintillaWidget.h" /* for ScintillaObject */
@@ -53,9 +54,7 @@ void sci_set_selection_start (ScintillaObject *sci, gint position);
void sci_set_selection_end (ScintillaObject *sci, gint position);
gint sci_get_length (ScintillaObject *sci);
-void sci_get_text (ScintillaObject *sci, gint len, gchar *text);
gchar* sci_get_contents (ScintillaObject *sci, gint buffer_len);
-void sci_get_selected_text (ScintillaObject *sci, gchar *text);
gint sci_get_selected_text_length(ScintillaObject *sci);
gchar* sci_get_selection_contents (ScintillaObject *sci);
gchar* sci_get_line (ScintillaObject *sci, gint line_num);
@@ -75,7 +74,6 @@ gint sci_find_text (ScintillaObject *sci, gint flags, struct Sci_TextToFin
void sci_set_font (ScintillaObject *sci, gint style, const gchar *font, gint size);
void sci_goto_line (ScintillaObject *sci, gint line, gboolean unfold);
gint sci_get_style_at (ScintillaObject *sci, gint position);
-void sci_get_text_range (ScintillaObject *sci, gint start, gint end, gchar *text);
gchar* sci_get_contents_range (ScintillaObject *sci, gint start, gint end);
void sci_insert_text (ScintillaObject *sci, gint pos, const gchar *text);
@@ -95,6 +93,11 @@ void sci_set_line_indentation (ScintillaObject *sci, gint line, gint indent);
gint sci_get_line_indentation (ScintillaObject *sci, gint line);
gint sci_find_matching_brace (ScintillaObject *sci, gint pos);
+void sci_get_text (ScintillaObject *sci, gint len, gchar *text) GEANY_DEPRECATED_FOR(sci_get_contents);
+void sci_get_selected_text (ScintillaObject *sci, gchar *text) GEANY_DEPRECATED_FOR(sci_get_selection_contents);
+void sci_get_text_range (ScintillaObject *sci, gint start, gint end, gchar *text) GEANY_DEPRECATED_FOR(sci_get_contents_range);
Modified: src/ui_utils.h
8 lines changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#define GEANY_UI_UTILS_H 1
+#include "geany.h" /* for GEANY_DEPRECATED */
#include "document.h"
#include "gtkcompat.h"
@@ -112,8 +113,6 @@ GtkWidget *ui_button_new_with_image(const gchar *stock_id, const gchar *text);
void ui_add_document_sensitive(GtkWidget *widget);
-void ui_widget_set_tooltip_text(GtkWidget *widget, const gchar *text);
GtkWidget *ui_image_menu_item_new(const gchar *stock_id, const gchar *label);
GtkWidget *ui_lookup_widget(GtkWidget *widget, const gchar *widget_name);
@@ -143,6 +142,11 @@ const gchar *ui_lookup_stock_label(const gchar *stock_id);
void ui_tree_view_set_tooltip_text_column(GtkTreeView *tree_view, gint column);
+void ui_widget_set_tooltip_text(GtkWidget *widget, const gchar *text) GEANY_DEPRECATED_FOR(gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text);
extern GeanyInterfacePrefs interface_prefs;
Modified: src/utils.h
8 lines changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
@@ -49,8 +49,13 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
* E.g. @code SETPTR(str, g_strndup(str, 5)); @endcode
#define SETPTR(ptr, result) \
- do setptr(ptr, result) while (0)
+ do {\
+ gpointer setptr_tmp = ptr;\
+ ptr = result;\
+ g_free(setptr_tmp);\
+ } while (0)
/** @deprecated 2011/11/15 - use SETPTR() instead. */
#define setptr(ptr, result) \
@@ -58,6 +63,7 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
ptr = result;\
/** Duplicates a string on the stack using @c g_alloca().
* Like glibc's @c strdupa(), but portable.
This E-Mail was brought to you by (Source:
[View Less]
Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: Colomban Wendling <ban(a)>
Committer: Colomban Wendling <ban(a)>
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2016 18:11:21 UTC
Commit: d7c2a38509c749329e6ea5c432758f090a246b15…
Log Message:
Merge pull request #925 from techee/doxygen_warning
Comment-out some options not available on older Doxygen versions
Modified …
[View More]Paths:
Modified: doc/
8 lines changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ VERBATIM_HEADERS = NO
# compiled with the --with-libclang option.
# The default value is: NO.
# If clang assisted parsing is enabled you can provide the compiler with command
# line options that you would normally use when invoking the compiler. Note that
@@ -1055,7 +1055,7 @@ CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING = NO
# specified with INPUT and INCLUDE_PATH.
# This tag requires that the tag CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING is set to YES.
# Configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
@@ -1925,7 +1925,7 @@ DOCBOOK_OUTPUT = docbook
# The default value is: NO.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_DOCBOOK is set to YES.
# Configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
@@ -2355,7 +2355,7 @@ DIAFILE_DIRS =
# will not generate output for the diagram.
# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
# The DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES tag can be used to set the maximum number of nodes
# that will be shown in the graph. If the number of nodes in a graph becomes
This E-Mail was brought to you by (Source:
[View Less]
Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: Colomban Wendling <ban(a)>
Committer: Colomban Wendling <ban(a)>
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2016 17:53:08 UTC
Commit: 3fda6988b3b5b00dba25999de2cdb1540154701e…
Log Message:
Merge pull request #890 from kugel-/gtkdoc-hdr
Generated and ship a GtkDoc header suitable for GObject Introspection.
Modified …
[View More]Paths:
Modified: .gitignore
3 lines changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
# /doc/
@@ -110,6 +111,8 @@
# /tests/
Modified: .travis.yml
1 lines changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ install:
- sudo apt-get install -y python-docutils rst2pdf
# try not to install doxygen-latex because we don't need it and it's huge
- sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends doxygen
+ - sudo apt-get install -y python-lxml
- export CFLAGS="-g -O2 -Werror=pointer-arith -Werror=aggregate-return -Werror=implicit-function-declaration"
4 lines changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ SUBDIRS = tagmanager scintilla src plugins icons po doc data tests
-AM_DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --enable-api-docs --enable-html-docs --enable-pdf-docs
+AM_DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --enable-api-docs --enable-html-docs --enable-pdf-docs \
+ --enable-gtkdoc-header
geany_private.rc \
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ WIN32_BUILD_FILES = \
+ scripts/ \
wscript \
waf \ \
1 lines changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ AC_SUBST([pkgdatadir])
# Documentation tools
# libgeany
Modified: doc/
22 lines changed, 20 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -247,7 +247,22 @@ ALIASES = "signal=- @ref " \
"endsignalproto=@endcode " \
"signaldesc=" \
"signals=@b Signals: " \
- "endsignals= "
+ "endsignals= " \
+ "gironly=@internal"
+# Apparently Doxygen doesn't seem to like \<type>only without a previous command, so create a no-op
+ALIASES += "noop=\if FALSE \endif"
+ALIASES += "transfer{1}=\noop \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:transfer\">\1</simplesect>\endxmlonly \htmlonly <em title=\"Ownership transfer to the caller: \1\">(transfer: \1)</em> \endhtmlonly"
+ALIASES += "elementtype{1}=\noop \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:element-type\">\1</simplesect>\endxmlonly \htmlonly <em title=\"Type of the elements in the container: \1\">(element-type: \1)</em> \endhtmlonly"
+ALIASES += "scope{1}=\noop \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:scope\">\1</simplesect>\endxmlonly \htmlonly <em>(scope: \1)</em> \endhtmlonly"
+ALIASES += "girskip=\noop \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:skip\"></simplesect>\endxmlonly"
+ALIASES += "nullable=\noop \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:nullable\"></simplesect>\endxmlonly"
+ALIASES += "out=\noop \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:out\"></simplesect>\endxmlonly \htmlonly <em title=\"Output parameter\">(out)</em> \endhtmlonly"
+ALIASES += "optional=\noop \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:optional\"></simplesect>\endxmlonly"
+ALIASES += "cb=\noop \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:scope\">notified</simplesect>\endxmlonly"
+ALIASES += "cbdata=\noop \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:closure\"></simplesect>\endxmlonly"
+ALIASES += "cbfree=\noop \xmlonly <simplesect kind=\"geany:destroy\"></simplesect>\endxmlonly"
# This tag can be used to specify a number of word-keyword mappings (TCL only).
# A mapping has the form "name=value". For example adding "class=itcl::class"
@@ -834,7 +849,7 @@ RECURSIVE = NO
# Note that relative paths are relative to the directory from which doxygen is
# run.
+EXCLUDE = @top_srcdir@/doc/geany-gtkdoc.h
# The EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS tag can be used to select whether or not files or
# directories that are symbolic links (a Unix file system feature) are excluded
@@ -2020,7 +2035,10 @@ INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS =
# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
# If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then this
Modified: doc/
41 lines changed, 39 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -102,12 +102,49 @@ doxygen_sources = \
Doxyfile.stamp: Doxyfile $(doxygen_sources)
$(AM_V_GEN)$(DOXYGEN) Doxyfile && echo "" > $@
-all-local: Doxyfile.stamp
+ALL_LOCAL_TARGETS = Doxyfile.stamp
+CLEAN_LOCAL_TARGETS = clean-api-docs-local
-clean-local: clean-api-docs-local
-rm -rf reference/ Doxyfile.stamp doxygen_*
+# set WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED because apparently doxygens warns for undocumented stuff
+# in headers (even though it's correctly documented in the corresponding .c file) only
+# for xml output
+Doxyfile-gi: Doxyfile
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(SED) \
+ -e 's,gironly=@internal,gironly=,' \
+ -e 's,^\(GENERATE_HTML.*\)YES,\1NO,' \
+ -e 's,^\(GENERATE_XML.*\)NO,\1YES,' \
+ -e 's,^\(WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED.*\)YES,\1NO,' \
+ -e 's,^\(SORT_MEMBER_DOCS.*\)YES,\1NO,' \
+ -e 's,^\(SORT_BRIEF_DOCS.*\)YES,\1NO,' \
+ $< > $@ || { $(RM) $@ && exit 1; }
+# we depend on Doxyfile.stamp not have this run in parallel with it to avoid
+# concurrent Doxygen runs, which might overwrite each other's files
+Doxyfile-gi.stamp: Doxyfile-gi Doxyfile.stamp $(doxygen_sources)
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(DOXYGEN) Doxyfile-gi && echo "" > $@
+geany-gtkdoc.h: Doxyfile-gi.stamp $(top_srcdir)/scripts/
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(top_srcdir)/scripts/ xml -d $(builddir) -o $@
+geany_gtkdocincludedir = $(includedir)/geany/gtkdoc
+nodist_geany_gtkdocinclude_HEADERS = geany-gtkdoc.h
+ALL_LOCAL_TARGETS += geany-gtkdoc.h
+CLEAN_LOCAL_TARGETS += clean-gtkdoc-header-local
+ -rm -rf xml/ Doxyfile-gi Doxyfile-gi.stamp geany-gtkdoc.h
+all-local: $(ALL_LOCAL_TARGETS)
+clean-local: $(CLEAN_LOCAL_TARGETS)
Modified: doc/pluginsymbols.c
4 lines changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
@@ -87,7 +87,9 @@ KeyBindingGroup *plugin_key_group;
* @param dialog The plugin preferences dialog widget - this should only be used to
* connect the @c "response" signal. If settings should be read from the dialog, the
* response will be either @c GTK_RESPONSE_OK or @c GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY.
- * @return A container widget holding preference widgets.
+ *
+ * @return @transfer{floating} A container widget holding preference widgets.
+ *
* @note Using @link stash.h Stash @endlink can make implementing preferences easier.
* @see plugin_configure_single(). */
GtkWidget *plugin_configure(GtkDialog *dialog);
Modified: m4/geany-gtkdoc-header.m4
42 lines changed, 42 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([GtkDoc header generation enabled but $1])
+dnl checks for GtkDoc header generation requirements and define
+dnl ENABLE_GTKDOC_HEADER Automake conditional as appropriate
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE([gtkdoc-header],
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gtkdoc-header],
+ [generate the GtkDoc header suitable for GObject introspection [default=auto]])],
+ [geany_enable_gtkdoc_header="$enableval"],
+ [geany_enable_gtkdoc_header="auto"])
+ AS_IF([test "x$geany_enable_gtkdoc_header$geany_with_doxygen" = "xyesno"],
+ [_GEANY_CHECK_GTKDOC_HEADER_ERROR([Doxygen support not available])],
+ [test "x$geany_enable_gtkdoc_header" != "xno"],
+ [
+ dnl python
+ AM_PATH_PYTHON([2.7], [have_python=yes], [have_python=no])
+ dnl lxml module
+ AS_IF([test "x$have_python" = xyes],
+ [have_python_and_lxml=yes
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for python lxml package])
+ AS_IF([$PYTHON -c 'import lxml' 2>&1 >/dev/null],
+ [have_python_and_lxml=yes],
+ [have_python_and_lxml=no])
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([$have_python_and_lxml])],
+ [have_python_and_lxml=no])
+ dnl final result
+ AS_IF([test "x$geany_enable_gtkdoc_header$have_python_and_lxml" = "xyesno"],
+ [_GEANY_CHECK_GTKDOC_HEADER_ERROR([python or its lxml module not found])],
+ [geany_enable_gtkdoc_header=yes])
+ ])
+ AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_GTKDOC_HEADER], [test "x$geany_enable_gtkdoc_header" = "xyes"])
+ GEANY_STATUS_ADD([Generate GtkDoc header], [$geany_enable_gtkdoc_header])
Modified: scripts/
425 lines changed, 425 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2015-2016 Thomas Martitz <kugel(a)>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301, USA.
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+from lxml import etree
+from optparse import OptionParser
+def normalize_text(s):
+ r"""
+ Normalizes whitespace in text.
+ >>> normalize_text("asd xxx")
+ 'asd xxx'
+ >>> normalize_text(" asd\nxxx ")
+ 'asd xxx'
+ """
+ return s.replace("\n", " ").strip()
+CXX_NAMESPACE_RE = re.compile(r'[_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]*::')
+def fix_definition(s):
+ """
+ Removes C++ name qualifications from some definitions.
+ For example:
+ >>> fix_definition("bool flag")
+ 'bool flag'
+ >>> fix_definition("bool FooBar::flag")
+ 'bool flag'
+ >>> fix_definition("void(* _GeanyObjectClass::project_open) (GKeyFile *keyfile)")
+ 'void(* project_open) (GKeyFile *keyfile)'
+ """
+ return CXX_NAMESPACE_RE.sub(r"", s)
+class AtDoc(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.retval = None
+ self.since = ""
+ self.annot = []
+ def cb(self, type, str):
+ if (type == "param"):
+ words = str.split(" ", 2)
+ self.annot = []
+ elif (type == "return"):
+ self.annot = []
+ elif (type == "since"):
+ self.since = str.rstrip()
+ elif type in ("geany:nullable",
+ "geany:optional",
+ "geany:out",
+ "geany:skip",
+ "geany:closure",
+ "geany:destroy"):
+ self.annot.append(type.split(":")[1])
+ elif type in ("geany:transfer",
+ "geany:element-type",
+ "geany:scope"):
+ type = type.split(":")[1]
+ self.annot.append("%s %s" % (type, str))
+ elif (type == "see"):
+ return "See " + str
+ elif type in ("a", "c") and str in ("NULL", "TRUE", "FALSE"):
+ # FIXME: some of Geany does @a NULL instead of @c NULL
+ return "%" + str
+ elif (type == "a"):
+ return "@" + str
+ else:
+ return str
+ return ""
+class DoxygenProcess(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ = None
+ #
+ @staticmethod
+ def stringify_children(node):
+ from lxml.etree import tostring
+ from itertools import chain
+ parts = ([node.text] +
+ list(chain(*([c.text, tostring(c).decode("utf-8"), c.tail] for c in node.getchildren()))) +
+ [node.tail])
+ # filter removes possible Nones in texts and tails
+ return "".join(filter(None, parts))
+ def get_program_listing(self, xml):
+ from lxml.etree import tostring
+ arr = ["", "|[<!-- language=\"C\" -->"]
+ for l in xml.getchildren():
+ if (l.tag == "codeline"):
+ # a codeline is of the form
+ # <highlight class="normal">GeanyDocument<sp/>*doc<sp/>=<sp/>...;</highlight>
+ # <sp/> tags must be replaced with spaces, then just use the text
+ h = l.find("highlight")
+ if h is not None:
+ html = tostring(h).decode("utf-8")
+ html = html.replace("<sp/>", " ")
+ arr.append(" " + tostring(etree.HTML(html), method="text").decode("utf-8"))
+ arr.append("]|")
+ return "\n".join(arr)
+ def join_annot(self):
+ s = " ".join(map(lambda x: "(%s)" % x,
+ return s + ": " if s else ""
+ def process_element(self, xml):
+ = AtDoc()
+ s = self.__process_element(xml)
+ return s
+ def get_extra(self):
+ return self.join_annot()
+ def get_return(self):
+ return
+ def get_since(self):
+ return
+ def __process_element(self, xml):
+ s = ""
+ if xml.text:
+ s += xml.text
+ for n in xml.getchildren():
+ if n.tag == "emphasis":
+ s +="a", self.__process_element(n))
+ if n.tag == "computeroutput":
+ s +="c", self.__process_element(n))
+ if n.tag == "itemizedlist":
+ s += "\n" + self.__process_element(n)
+ if n.tag == "listitem":
+ s += " - " + self.__process_element(n)
+ if n.tag == "para":
+ s += self.__process_element(n) + "\n"
+ if n.tag == "ref":
+ s += n.text if n.text else ""
+ if n.tag == "simplesect":
+ ss ="kind"), self.__process_element(n))
+ s += ss + "\n" if ss else ""
+ if n.tag == "programlisting":
+ s += self.get_program_listing(n)
+ if n.tag == "xrefsect":
+ s += self.__process_element(n)
+ if n.tag == "xreftitle":
+ s += self.__process_element(n) + ": "
+ if n.tag == "xrefdescription":
+ s += self.__process_element(n)
+ if n.tag == "ulink":
+ s += self.__process_element(n)
+ if n.tag == "linebreak":
+ s += "\n"
+ if n.tag == "ndash":
+ s += "--"
+ # workaround for doxygen bug #646002
+ if n.tag == "htmlonly":
+ s += ""
+ if n.tail:
+ s += n.tail
+ if n.tag.startswith("param"):
+ pass # parameters are handled separately in DoxyFunction::from_memberdef()
+ return s
+class DoxyMember(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, brief, extra=""):
+ = name
+ self.brief = brief
+ self.extra = extra
+class DoxyElement(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, definition, **kwargs):
+ = name
+ self.definition = definition
+ self.brief = kwargs.get('brief', "")
+ self.detail = kwargs.get('detail', "")
+ self.members = kwargs.get('members', [])
+ self.since = kwargs.get('since', "")
+ self.extra = kwargs.get('extra', "")
+ self.retval = kwargs.get('retval', None)
+ def is_documented(self):
+ if (normalize_text(self.brief)) != "":
+ return True
+ return False
+ def add_brief(self, xml):
+ proc = DoxygenProcess()
+ self.brief = proc.process_element(xml)
+ self.extra += proc.get_extra()
+ def add_detail(self, xml):
+ proc = DoxygenProcess()
+ self.detail = proc.process_element(xml)
+ self.extra += proc.get_extra()
+ self.since = proc.get_since()
+ def add_member(self, xml):
+ name = xml.find("name").text
+ proc = DoxygenProcess()
+ brief = proc.process_element(xml.find("briefdescription"))
+ # optional doxygen command output appears within <detaileddescription />
+ proc.process_element(xml.find("detaileddescription"))
+ self.members.append(DoxyMember(name, normalize_text(brief), proc.get_extra()))
+ def add_param(self, xml):
+ name = xml.find("parameternamelist").find("parametername").text
+ proc = DoxygenProcess()
+ brief = proc.process_element(xml.find("parameterdescription"))
+ self.members.append(DoxyMember(name, normalize_text(brief), proc.get_extra()))
+ def add_return(self, xml):
+ proc = DoxygenProcess()
+ brief = proc.process_element(xml)
+ self.retval = DoxyMember("ret", normalize_text(brief), proc.get_extra())
+ def to_gtkdoc(self):
+ s = []
+ s.append("/**")
+ s.append(" * %s: %s" % (, self.extra))
+ for p in self.members:
+ s.append(" * @%s: %s %s" % (, p.extra, p.brief))
+ s.append(" *")
+ s.append(" * %s" % self.brief.replace("\n", "\n * "))
+ s.append(" *")
+ s.append(" * %s" % self.detail.replace("\n", "\n * "))
+ s.append(" *")
+ if self.retval:
+ s.append(" * Returns: %s %s" % (self.retval.extra, self.retval.brief))
+ if self.since:
+ s.append(" *")
+ s.append(" * Since: %s" % self.since)
+ s.append(" */")
+ s.append("")
+ return "\n".join(s)
+class DoxyTypedef(DoxyElement):
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_memberdef(xml):
+ name = xml.find("name").text
+ d = normalize_text(xml.find("definition").text)
+ d += ";"
+ return DoxyTypedef(name, d)
+class DoxyEnum(DoxyElement):
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_memberdef(xml):
+ name = xml.find("name").text
+ d = "typedef enum {\n"
+ for member in xml.findall("enumvalue"):
+ v = member.find("initializer")
+ d += "\t%s%s,\n" % (member.find("name").text, " "+v.text if v is not None else "")
+ d += "} %s;\n" % name
+ e = DoxyEnum(name, d)
+ e.add_brief(xml.find("briefdescription"))
+ for p in xml.findall("enumvalue"):
+ e.add_member(p)
+ return e
+class DoxyStruct(DoxyElement):
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_compounddef(xml, typedefs=[]):
+ name = xml.find("compoundname").text
+ section = xml.find("sectiondef")
+ d = "struct %s {\n" % name
+ for p in section.findall("memberdef"):
+ # workaround for struct members. g-ir-scanner can't properly map struct members
+ # (beginning with struct GeanyFoo) to the typedef and assigns a generic type for them
+ # thus we fix that up here and enforce usage of the typedef. These are written
+ # out first, before any struct definition, for this reason
+ # Exception: there are no typedefs for GeanyFooPrivate so skip those. Their exact
+ # type isn't needed anyway
+ s = fix_definition(p.find("definition").text).lstrip()
+ proc = DoxygenProcess()
+ brief = proc.process_element(p.find("briefdescription"))
+ private = (normalize_text(brief) == "")
+ words = s.split()
+ if (words[0] == "struct"):
+ if not (words[1].endswith("Private") or words[1].endswith("Private*")):
+ s = " ".join(words[1:])
+ d += "\t/*< %s >*/\n\t%s;\n" % ("private" if private else "public", s)
+ d += "};\n"
+ e = DoxyStruct(name, d)
+ e.add_brief(xml.find("briefdescription"))
+ for p in section.findall("memberdef"):
+ e.add_member(p)
+ return e
+class DoxyFunction(DoxyElement):
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_memberdef(xml):
+ name = xml.find("name").text
+ d = normalize_text(xml.find("definition").text)
+ d += " " + xml.find("argsstring").text + ";"
+ d = normalize_text(d)
+ e = DoxyFunction(name, d)
+ e.add_brief(xml.find("briefdescription"))
+ e.add_detail(xml.find("detaileddescription"))
+ for p in xml.xpath(".//detaileddescription/*/parameterlist[@kind='param']/parameteritem"):
+ e.add_param(p)
+ x = xml.xpath(".//detaileddescription/*/simplesect[@kind='return']")
+ if (len(x) > 0):
+ e.add_return(x[0])
+ return e
+def main(args):
+ xml_dir = None
+ outfile = None
+ parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] XML_DIR")
+ parser.add_option("--xmldir", metavar="DIRECTORY", help="Path to Doxygen-generated XML files",
+ action="store", dest="xml_dir")
+ parser.add_option("-d", "--outdir", metavar="DIRECTORY", help="Path to Doxygen-generated XML files",
+ action="store", dest="outdir", default=".")
+ parser.add_option("-o", "--output", metavar="FILE", help="Write output to FILE",
+ action="store", dest="outfile")
+ opts, args = parser.parse_args(args[1:])
+ xml_dir = args[0]
+ if not (os.path.exists(xml_dir)):
+ sys.stderr.write("invalid xml directory\n")
+ return 1
+ transform = etree.XSLT(etree.parse(os.path.join(xml_dir, "combine.xslt")))
+ doc = etree.parse(os.path.join(xml_dir, "index.xml"))
+ root = transform(doc)
+ other = []
+ typedefs = []
+ c_files = root.xpath(".//compounddef[@kind='file']/compoundname[substring(.,string-length(.)-1)='.c']/..")
+ h_files = root.xpath(".//compounddef[@kind='file']/compoundname[substring(.,string-length(.)-1)='.h']/..")
+ for f in h_files:
+ if not (f.find("compoundname").text.endswith("private.h")):
+ for n0 in f.xpath(".//*/memberdef[@kind='typedef' and @prot='public']"):
+ if not (n0.find("type").text.startswith("enum")):
+ e = DoxyTypedef.from_memberdef(n0)
+ typedefs.append(e)
+ for n0 in f.xpath(".//*/memberdef[@kind='enum' and @prot='public']"):
+ e = DoxyEnum.from_memberdef(n0)
+ other.append(e)
+ for n0 in root.xpath(".//compounddef[@kind='struct' and @prot='public']"):
+ e = DoxyStruct.from_compounddef(n0)
+ other.append(e)
+ for f in c_files:
+ for n0 in f.xpath(".//*/memberdef[@kind='function' and @prot='public']"):
+ e = DoxyFunction.from_memberdef(n0)
+ other.append(e)
+ if (opts.outfile):
+ try:
+ outfile = open(opts.outfile, "w+")
+ except OSError as err:
+ sys.stderr.write("failed to open \"%s\" for writing (%s)\n" % (opts.outfile, err.strerror))
+ return 1
+ else:
+ outfile = sys.stdout
+ try:
+ outfile.write("/*\n * Automatically generated file - do not edit\n */\n\n")
+ outfile.write("#include <glib.h>\n")
+ outfile.write("#include <gtk/gtk.h>\n\n")
+ outfile.write("typedef struct _ScintillaObject ScintillaObject;\n")
+ outfile.write("typedef struct TMSourceFile TMSourceFile;\n")
+ outfile.write("typedef struct TMWorkspace TMWorkspace;\n")
+ # write typedefs first, they are possibly undocumented but still required (even
+ # if they are documented, they must be written out without gtkdoc)
+ for e in typedefs:
+ outfile.write(e.definition)
+ outfile.write("\n\n")
+ for e in filter(lambda x: x.is_documented(), other):
+ outfile.write("\n\n")
+ outfile.write(e.to_gtkdoc())
+ outfile.write(e.definition)
+ outfile.write("\n\n")
+ except BrokenPipeError:
+ # probably piped to head or tail
+ return 0
+ return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
Modified: src/build.c
2 lines changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ GeanyBuildCommand *build_get_menu_item(GeanyBuildSource src, GeanyBuildGroup grp
* @param cmd the index of the command within the group.
* @param fld the field to return
- * @return a pointer to the constant string or @c NULL if it doesn't exist.
+ * @return @nullable a pointer to the constant string or @c NULL if it doesn't exist.
* This is a pointer to an internal structure and must not be freed.
Modified: src/dialogs.c
8 lines changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
@@ -1058,11 +1058,11 @@ static void on_dialog_input(const gchar *str, gpointer data)
/** Asks the user for text input.
* @param title Dialog title.
- * @param parent The currently focused window, usually @c geany->main_widgets->window.
+ * @param parent @nullable The currently focused window, usually @c geany->main_widgets->window.
* @c NULL can be used but is discouraged due to window manager effects.
- * @param label_text Label text, or @c NULL.
- * @param default_text Text to display in the input field, or @c NULL.
- * @return New copy of user input or @c NULL if cancelled.
+ * @param label_text @nullable Label text, or @c NULL.
+ * @param default_text @nullable Text to display in the input field, or @c NULL.
+ * @return @nullable New copy of user input or @c NULL if cancelled.
* @since 0.20. */
gchar *dialogs_show_input(const gchar *title, GtkWindow *parent, const gchar *label_text,
Modified: src/document.c
40 lines changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ static GtkWidget* document_show_message(GeanyDocument *doc, GtkMessageType msgty
* @param realname The filename to search, which should be identical to the
* string returned by @c tm_get_real_path().
- * @return The matching document, or @c NULL.
+ * @return @transfer{none} @nullable The matching document, or @c NULL.
* @note This is only really useful when passing a @c TMSourceFile::file_name.
* @see GeanyDocument::real_path.
* @see document_find_by_filename().
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ static gchar *get_real_path_from_utf8(const gchar *utf8_filename)
* @param utf8_filename The filename to search (in UTF-8 encoding).
- * @return The matching document, or @c NULL.
+ * @return @transfer{none} @nullable The matching document, or @c NULL.
* @see document_find_by_real_path().
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ GeanyDocument *document_find_by_sci(ScintillaObject *sci)
* Useful when the corresponding document may have been closed since the
* ID was retrieved.
* @param id The ID of the document to find
- * @return @c NULL if the document is no longer open.
+ * @return @transfer{none} @c NULL if the document is no longer open.
* Example:
* @code
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ GeanyDocument *document_get_from_notebook_child(GtkWidget *page)
* @param page_num The notebook page number to search.
- * @return The corresponding document for the given notebook page, or @c NULL.
+ * @return @transfer{none} @nullable The corresponding document for the given notebook page, or @c NULL.
GeanyDocument *document_get_from_page(guint page_num)
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ GeanyDocument *document_get_from_page(guint page_num)
* Finds the current document.
- * @return A pointer to the current document or @c NULL if there are no opened documents.
+ * @return @transfer{none} @nullable A pointer to the current document or @c NULL if there are no opened documents.
GeanyDocument *document_get_current(void)
@@ -830,11 +830,11 @@ GeanyDocument *document_new_file_if_non_open(void)
* Line endings in @a text will be converted to the default setting.
* Afterwards, the @c "document-new" signal is emitted for plugins.
- * @param utf8_filename The file name in UTF-8 encoding, or @c NULL to open a file as "untitled".
- * @param ft The filetype to set or @c NULL to detect it from @a filename if not @c NULL.
- * @param text The initial content of the file (in UTF-8 encoding), or @c NULL.
+ * @param utf8_filename @nullable The file name in UTF-8 encoding, or @c NULL to open a file as "untitled".
+ * @param ft @nullable The filetype to set or @c NULL to detect it from @a filename if not @c NULL.
+ * @param text @nullable The initial content of the file (in UTF-8 encoding), or @c NULL.
- * @return The new document.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The new document.
GeanyDocument *document_new_file(const gchar *utf8_filename, GeanyFiletype *ft, const gchar *text)
@@ -915,10 +915,10 @@ GeanyDocument *document_new_file(const gchar *utf8_filename, GeanyFiletype *ft,
* @param locale_filename The filename of the document to load, in locale encoding.
* @param readonly Whether to open the document in read-only mode.
- * @param ft The filetype for the document or @c NULL to auto-detect the filetype.
- * @param forced_enc The file encoding to use or @c NULL to auto-detect the file encoding.
+ * @param ft @nullable The filetype for the document or @c NULL to auto-detect the filetype.
+ * @param forced_enc @nullable The file encoding to use or @c NULL to auto-detect the file encoding.
- * @return The document opened or @c NULL.
+ * @return @transfer{none} @nullable The document opened or @c NULL.
GeanyDocument *document_open_file(const gchar *locale_filename, gboolean readonly,
@@ -1562,10 +1562,10 @@ void document_open_file_list(const gchar *data, gsize length)
* Opens each file in the list @a filenames.
* Internally, document_open_file() is called for every list item.
- * @param filenames A list of filenames to load, in locale encoding.
+ * @param filenames @elementtype{filename} A list of filenames to load, in locale encoding.
* @param readonly Whether to open the document in read-only mode.
- * @param ft The filetype for the document or @c NULL to auto-detect the filetype.
- * @param forced_enc The file encoding to use or @c NULL to auto-detect the file encoding.
+ * @param ft @nullable The filetype for the document or @c NULL to auto-detect the filetype.
+ * @param forced_enc @nullable The file encoding to use or @c NULL to auto-detect the file encoding.
void document_open_files(const GSList *filenames, gboolean readonly, GeanyFiletype *ft,
@@ -1603,7 +1603,7 @@ static void on_keep_edit_history_on_reload_response(GtkWidget *bar, gint respons
* @a forced_enc or @c NULL to auto-detect the file encoding.
* @param doc The document to reload.
- * @param forced_enc The file encoding to use or @c NULL to auto-detect the file encoding.
+ * @param forced_enc @nullable The file encoding to use or @c NULL to auto-detect the file encoding.
* @return @c TRUE if the document was actually reloaded or @c FALSE otherwise.
@@ -1816,7 +1816,7 @@ gboolean document_need_save_as(GeanyDocument *doc)
* Saves the document, detecting the filetype.
* @param doc The document for the file to save.
- * @param utf8_fname The new name for the document, in UTF-8, or NULL.
+ * @param utf8_fname @nullable The new name for the document, in UTF-8, or @c NULL.
* @return @c TRUE if the file was saved or @c FALSE if the file could not be saved.
* @see document_save_file().
@@ -3241,8 +3241,8 @@ const gchar *document_get_status_widget_class(GeanyDocument *doc)
* @param doc The document to use.
- * @return The color for the document or @c NULL if the default color should be used. The color
- * object is owned by Geany and should not be modified or freed.
+ * @return @nullable The color for the document or @c NULL if the default color should be used.
+ * The color object is owned by Geany and should not be modified or freed.
* @since 0.16
@@ -3294,7 +3294,7 @@ const GdkColor *document_get_status_color(GeanyDocument *doc)
/** Accessor function for @ref documents_array items.
* @warning Always check the returned document is valid (@c doc->is_valid).
* @param idx @c documents_array index.
- * @return The document, or @c NULL if @a idx is out of range.
+ * @return @transfer{none} @nullable The document, or @c NULL if @a idx is out of range.
* @since 0.16
Modified: src/editor.c
18 lines changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
@@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ get_default_indent_prefs(void)
* Prefs can be different according to project or document.
* @warning Always get a fresh result instead of keeping a pointer to it if the editor/project
* settings may have changed, or if this function has been called for a different editor.
- * @param editor The editor, or @c NULL to get the default indent prefs.
+ * @param editor @nullable The editor, or @c NULL to get the default indent prefs.
* @return The indent prefs. */
const GeanyIndentPrefs *
@@ -1781,7 +1781,7 @@ void editor_find_current_word_sciwc(GeanyEditor *editor, gint pos, gchar *word,
* as part of a word. May be @c NULL to use the default wordchars,
- * @return A newly-allocated string containing the word at the given @a pos or @c NULL.
+ * @return @nullable A newly-allocated string containing the word at the given @a pos or @c NULL.
* Should be freed when no longer needed.
* @since 0.16
@@ -4293,7 +4293,7 @@ void editor_insert_color(GeanyEditor *editor, const gchar *colour)
* Retrieves the end of line characters mode (LF, CR/LF, CR) in the given editor.
* If @a editor is @c NULL, the default end of line characters are used.
- * @param editor The editor to operate on, or @c NULL to query the default value.
+ * @param editor @nullable The editor to operate on, or @c NULL to query the default value.
* @return The used end of line characters mode.
* @since 0.20
@@ -4315,7 +4315,7 @@ gint editor_get_eol_char_mode(GeanyEditor *editor)
* (LF, CR/LF, CR) in the given editor.
* If @a editor is @c NULL, the default end of line characters are used.
- * @param editor The editor to operate on, or @c NULL to query the default value.
+ * @param editor @nullable The editor to operate on, or @c NULL to query the default value.
* @return The name of the end of line characters.
* @since 0.19
@@ -4337,7 +4337,7 @@ const gchar *editor_get_eol_char_name(GeanyEditor *editor)
* If @a editor is @c NULL, the default end of line characters are used.
* The returned value is 1 for CR and LF and 2 for CR/LF.
- * @param editor The editor to operate on, or @c NULL to query the default value.
+ * @param editor @nullable The editor to operate on, or @c NULL to query the default value.
* @return The length of the end of line characters.
* @since 0.19
@@ -4363,7 +4363,7 @@ gint editor_get_eol_char_len(GeanyEditor *editor)
* If @a editor is @c NULL, the default end of line characters are used.
* The returned value is either "\n", "\r\n" or "\r".
- * @param editor The editor to operate on, or @c NULL to query the default value.
+ * @param editor @nullable The editor to operate on, or @c NULL to query the default value.
* @return The end of line characters.
* @since 0.19
@@ -4996,7 +4996,7 @@ static ScintillaObject *create_new_sci(GeanyEditor *editor)
/** Creates a new Scintilla @c GtkWidget based on the settings for @a editor.
* @param editor Editor settings.
- * @return The new widget.
+ * @return @transfer{floating} The new widget.
* @since 0.15
@@ -5327,9 +5327,9 @@ void editor_indent(GeanyEditor *editor, gboolean increase)
* If @a editor is passed, returns a snippet specific to the document filetype.
* If @a editor is @c NULL, returns a snippet from the default set.
- * @param editor Editor or @c NULL.
+ * @param editor @nullable Editor or @c NULL.
* @param snippet_name Snippet name.
- * @return snippet or @c NULL if it was not found. Must not be freed.
+ * @return @nullable snippet or @c NULL if it was not found. Must not be freed.
const gchar *editor_find_snippet(GeanyEditor *editor, const gchar *snippet_name)
Modified: src/editor.h
2 lines changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ typedef enum
+/** @gironly
+ * Auto indentation modes */
typedef enum
Modified: src/encodings.c
6 lines changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ const GeanyEncoding *encodings_get_from_index(gint idx)
* @param idx @ref GeanyEncodingIndex to retrieve the corresponding character set.
- * @return The charset according to idx, or @c NULL if the index is invalid.
+ * @return @nullable The charset according to idx, or @c NULL if the index is invalid.
* @since 0.13
@@ -775,9 +775,9 @@ static gchar *encodings_convert_to_utf8_with_suggestion(const gchar *buffer, gss
* @param buffer the input string to convert.
* @param size the length of the string, or -1 if the string is nul-terminated.
- * @param used_encoding return location of the detected encoding of the input string, or @c NULL.
+ * @param used_encoding @out @optional return location of the detected encoding of the input string, or @c NULL.
- * @return If the conversion was successful, a newly allocated nul-terminated string,
+ * @return @nullable If the conversion was successful, a newly allocated nul-terminated string,
* which must be freed with @c g_free(). Otherwise @c NULL.
Modified: src/filetypes.c
19 lines changed, 13 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
@@ -55,7 +55,14 @@
#define GEANY_FILETYPE_SEARCH_LINES 2 /* lines of file to search for filetype */
-GPtrArray *filetypes_array = NULL; /* Dynamic array of filetype pointers */
+/** Dynamic array of filetype pointers
+ *
+ * List the list is dynamically expanded for custom filetypes filetypes so don't expect
+ * the list of known filetypes to be a constant.
+ *
+ * @elementtype{GeanyFiletype}
+ * */
+GPtrArray *filetypes_array = NULL;
static GHashTable *filetypes_hash = NULL; /* Hash of filetype pointers based on name keys */
@@ -233,7 +240,7 @@ static gint cmp_filetype(gconstpointer pft1, gconstpointer pft2, gpointer data)
/** Gets a list of filetype pointers sorted by name.
* The list does not change on subsequent calls.
- * @return The list - do not free.
+ * @return @elementtype{GeanyFiletype} @transfer{none} The list - do not free.
* @see filetypes_by_title. */
const GSList *filetypes_get_sorted_by_name(void)
@@ -764,8 +771,8 @@ GeanyFiletype *filetypes_detect_from_document(GeanyDocument *doc)
* @param utf8_filename The filename in UTF-8 encoding.
- * @return The detected filetype for @a utf8_filename or @c filetypes[GEANY_FILETYPES_NONE]
- * if it could not be detected.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The detected filetype for @a utf8_filename or
+ * @c filetypes[GEANY_FILETYPES_NONE] if it could not be detected.
GeanyFiletype *filetypes_detect_from_file(const gchar *utf8_filename)
@@ -1246,7 +1253,7 @@ gboolean filetype_has_tags(GeanyFiletype *ft)
/** Finds a filetype pointer from its @a name field.
* @param name Filetype name.
- * @return The filetype found, or @c NULL.
+ * @return @transfer{none} @nullable The filetype found, or @c NULL.
* @since 0.15
@@ -1492,7 +1499,7 @@ void filetypes_reload_extensions(void)
/** Accessor function for @ref GeanyData::filetypes_array items.
* Example: @code ft = filetypes_index(GEANY_FILETYPES_C); @endcode
* @param idx @c filetypes_array index.
- * @return The filetype, or @c NULL if @a idx is out of range.
+ * @return @transfer{none} @nullable The filetype, or @c NULL if @a idx is out of range.
* @since 0.16
Modified: src/filetypes.h
4 lines changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -113,6 +113,10 @@ GeanyFiletypeID;
#define filetype_id GeanyFiletypeID /* compat define - should be removed in the future */
+/** @gironly
+ * Filetype categories
+ *
+ * These are used to provide submenus for each category in the GUI */
typedef enum
Modified: src/keybindings.c
17 lines changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ GdkModifierType keybindings_get_modifiers(GdkModifierType mods)
/** Looks up a keybinding item.
* @param group Group.
* @param key_id Keybinding index for the group.
- * @return The keybinding.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The keybinding.
* @since 0.19. */
GeanyKeyBinding *keybindings_get_item(GeanyKeyGroup *group, gsize key_id)
@@ -150,20 +150,21 @@ GeanyKeyBinding *keybindings_get_item(GeanyKeyGroup *group, gsize key_id)
/* This is used to set default keybindings on startup.
* Menu accels are set in apply_kb_accel(). */
-/** Fills a GeanyKeyBinding struct item.
+/** @girskip
+ * Fills a GeanyKeyBinding struct item.
* @note Always set @a key and @a mod to 0, otherwise you will likely
* cause conflicts with the user's custom, other plugin's keybindings or
* future default keybindings.
* @param group Group.
* @param key_id Keybinding index for the group.
- * @param callback Function to call when activated, or @c NULL to use the group callback.
+ * @param callback @nullable Function to call when activated, or @c NULL to use the group callback.
* Usually it's better to use the group callback instead - see plugin_set_key_group().
* @param key Default key, e.g. @c GDK_j (must be lower case), but usually 0 for unset.
* @param mod Default modifier, e.g. @c GDK_CONTROL_MASK, but usually 0 for unset.
* @param kf_name Key name for the configuration file, such as @c "menu_new".
* @param label Label used in the preferences dialog keybindings tab. May contain
* underscores - these won't be displayed.
- * @param menu_item Optional widget to set an accelerator for, or @c NULL.
+ * @param menu_item @nullable Optional widget to set an accelerator for, or @c NULL.
* @return The keybinding - normally this is ignored. */
GeanyKeyBinding *keybindings_set_item(GeanyKeyGroup *group, gsize key_id,
@@ -216,11 +217,11 @@ GeanyKeyBinding *keybindings_set_item(GeanyKeyGroup *group, gsize key_id,
* @param kf_name Key name for the configuration file, such as @c "menu_new".
* @param label Label used in the preferences dialog keybindings tab. May contain
* underscores - these won't be displayed.
- * @param menu_item Optional widget to set an accelerator for, or @c NULL.
- * @param cb New-style callback to be called when activated, or @c NULL to use the group callback.
- * @param pdata Plugin-specific data passed back to the callback.
+ * @param menu_item @nullable Optional widget to set an accelerator for, or @c NULL.
+ * @param cb @nullable New-style callback to be called when activated, or @c NULL to use the group callback.
+ * @param pdata Plugin-specific data passed back to the callback @a cb.
* @param destroy_notify Function that is invoked to free the plugin data when not needed anymore.
- * @return The keybinding - normally this is ignored.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The keybinding - normally this is ignored.
* @since 1.26 (API 226)
* @see See plugin_set_key_group_full
Modified: src/plugindata.h
4 lines changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ typedef struct GeanyData
struct GeanyApp *app; /**< Geany application data fields */
struct GeanyMainWidgets *main_widgets; /**< Important widgets in the main window */
- GPtrArray *documents_array; /**< See document.h#documents_array. */
- GPtrArray *filetypes_array; /**< Dynamic array of GeanyFiletype pointers */
+ GPtrArray *documents_array; /**< See document.h#documents_array. @elementtype{GeanyDocument} */
+ GPtrArray *filetypes_array; /**< Dynamic array of GeanyFiletype pointers. @elementtype{GeanyFiletype} */
struct GeanyPrefs *prefs; /**< General settings */
struct GeanyInterfacePrefs *interface_prefs; /**< Interface settings */
struct GeanyToolbarPrefs *toolbar_prefs; /**< Toolbar settings */
Modified: src/pluginutils.c
37 lines changed, 22 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
@@ -102,9 +102,10 @@ void plugin_module_make_resident(GeanyPlugin *plugin)
-/** Connects a signal which will be disconnected on unloading the plugin, to prevent a possible segfault.
+/** @girskip
+ * Connects a signal which will be disconnected on unloading the plugin, to prevent a possible segfault.
* @param plugin Must be @ref geany_plugin.
- * @param object Object to connect to, or @c NULL when using @link pluginsignals.c Geany signals @endlink.
+ * @param object @nullable Object to connect to, or @c NULL when using @link pluginsignals.c Geany signals @endlink.
* @param signal_name The name of the signal. For a list of available
* signals, please see the @link pluginsignals.c Signal documentation @endlink.
* @param after Set to @c TRUE to call your handler after the main signal handlers have been called
@@ -128,7 +129,8 @@ void plugin_module_make_resident(GeanyPlugin *plugin)
* object has been destroyed), and disconnect yourself or not as appropriate.
* @note Since version 1.25 (API >= 218), the object lifetime is watched and so the above
* restriction does not apply. However, for objects destroyed by the plugin,
- * @c g_signal_connect() is safe and has lower overhead. */
+ * @c g_signal_connect() is safe and has lower overhead.
+ **/
void plugin_signal_connect(GeanyPlugin *plugin,
GObject *object, const gchar *signal_name, gboolean after,
@@ -229,8 +231,9 @@ static guint plugin_source_add(GeanyPlugin *plugin, GSource *source, GSourceFunc
-/** Adds a GLib main loop timeout callback that will be removed when unloading the plugin,
- * preventing it to run after the plugin has been unloaded (which may lead to a segfault).
+/** @girskip
+ * Adds a GLib main loop timeout callback that will be removed when unloading the plugin,
+ * preventing it to run after the plugin has been unloaded (which may lead to a segfault).
* @param plugin Must be @ref geany_plugin.
* @param interval The time between calls to the function, in milliseconds.
@@ -249,8 +252,9 @@ guint plugin_timeout_add(GeanyPlugin *plugin, guint interval, GSourceFunc functi
-/** Adds a GLib main loop timeout callback that will be removed when unloading the plugin,
- * preventing it to run after the plugin has been unloaded (which may lead to a segfault).
+/** @girskip
+ * Adds a GLib main loop timeout callback that will be removed when unloading the plugin,
+ * preventing it to run after the plugin has been unloaded (which may lead to a segfault).
* @param plugin Must be @ref geany_plugin.
* @param interval The time between calls to the function, in seconds.
@@ -270,8 +274,9 @@ guint plugin_timeout_add_seconds(GeanyPlugin *plugin, guint interval, GSourceFun
-/** Adds a GLib main loop IDLE callback that will be removed when unloading the plugin, preventing
- * it to run after the plugin has been unloaded (which may lead to a segfault).
+/** @girskip
+ * Adds a GLib main loop IDLE callback that will be removed when unloading the plugin, preventing
+ * it to run after the plugin has been unloaded (which may lead to a segfault).
* @param plugin Must be @ref geany_plugin.
* @param function The function to call in IDLE time.
@@ -289,14 +294,16 @@ guint plugin_idle_add(GeanyPlugin *plugin, GSourceFunc function, gpointer data)
-/** Sets up or resizes a keybinding group for the plugin.
+/** @girskip
+ * Sets up or resizes a keybinding group for the plugin.
* You should then call keybindings_set_item() for each keybinding in the group.
* @param plugin Must be @ref geany_plugin.
* @param section_name Name used in the configuration file, such as @c "html_chars".
* @param count Number of keybindings for the group.
- * @param callback Group callback, or @c NULL if you only want individual keybinding callbacks.
+ * @param callback @nullable Group callback, or @c NULL if you only want individual keybinding callbacks.
* @return The plugin's keybinding group.
- * @since 0.19. */
+ * @since 0.19.
+ **/
GeanyKeyGroup *plugin_set_key_group(GeanyPlugin *plugin,
const gchar *section_name, gsize count, GeanyKeyGroupCallback callback)
@@ -315,10 +322,10 @@ GeanyKeyGroup *plugin_set_key_group(GeanyPlugin *plugin,
* @param plugin Must be @ref geany_plugin.
* @param section_name Name used in the configuration file, such as @c "html_chars".
* @param count Number of keybindings for the group.
- * @param cb New-style group callback, or @c NULL if you only want individual keybinding callbacks.
- * @param pdata Plugin specific data, passed to the group callback.
+ * @param cb @nullable New-style group callback, or @c NULL if you only want individual keybinding callbacks.
+ * @param pdata Plugin specific data, passed to the group callback @a cb.
* @param destroy_notify Function that is invoked to free the plugin data when not needed anymore.
- * @return The plugin's keybinding group.
+ * @return @transfer{none} The plugin's keybinding group.
* @since 1.26 (API 226)
* @see See keybindings_set_item
Modified: src/project.h
3 lines changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib-object.h>
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ typedef struct GeanyProject
/** Identifier whether it is a pure Geany project or modified/extended
* by a plugin. */
gint type;
- gchar **file_patterns; /**< Array of filename extension patterns. */
+ GStrv file_patterns; /**< Array of filename extension patterns. */
struct GeanyProjectPrivate *priv; /* must be last, append fields before this item */
Modified: src/search.h
9 lines changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
@@ -43,12 +43,15 @@ typedef enum GeanyFindFlags
-enum GeanyFindSelOptions
+/** @gironly
+ * Find selection options */
+typedef enum
/** Search preferences */
typedef struct GeanySearchPrefs
@@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ typedef struct GeanySearchPrefs
gboolean use_current_file_dir; /* find in files directory to use on showing dialog */
gboolean hide_find_dialog; /* hide the find dialog on next or previous */
gboolean replace_and_find_by_default; /* enter in replace window performs Replace & Find instead of Replace */
- enum GeanyFindSelOptions find_selection_type;
+ GeanyFindSelOptions find_selection_type;
Modified: src/spawn.c
46 lines changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
@@ -705,11 +705,11 @@ static gboolean spawn_async_with_pipes(const gchar *working_directory, const gch
* If a @a child_pid is passed, it's your responsibility to invoke @c g_spawn_close_pid().
- * @param working_directory child's current working directory, or @c NULL.
- * @param command_line child program and arguments, or @c NULL.
- * @param argv child's argument vector, or @c NULL.
- * @param envp child's environment, or @c NULL.
- * @param child_pid return location for child process ID, or @c NULL.
+ * @param working_directory @nullable child's current working directory, or @c NULL.
+ * @param command_line @nullable child program and arguments, or @c NULL.
+ * @param argv @nullable child's argument vector, or @c NULL.
+ * @param envp @nullable child's environment, or @c NULL.
+ * @param child_pid @out @optional return location for child process ID, or @c NULL.
* @param error return location for error.
* @return @c TRUE on success, @c FALSE on error.
@@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ static void spawn_watch_cb(GPid pid, gint status, gpointer data)
+/** @girskip
* Executes a child program and setups callbacks.
* A command line or an argument vector must be passed. If both are present, the argument
@@ -978,22 +978,22 @@ static void spawn_watch_cb(GPid pid, gint status, gpointer data)
* The @a child_pid will be closed automatically, after @a exit_cb is invoked.
- * @param working_directory child's current working directory, or @c NULL.
- * @param command_line child program and arguments, or @c NULL.
- * @param argv child's argument vector, or @c NULL.
- * @param envp child's environment, or @c NULL.
+ * @param working_directory @nullable child's current working directory, or @c NULL.
+ * @param command_line @nullable child program and arguments, or @c NULL.
+ * @param argv @nullable child's argument vector, or @c NULL.
+ * @param envp @nullable child's environment, or @c NULL.
* @param spawn_flags flags from SpawnFlags.
- * @param stdin_cb callback to send data to childs's stdin, or @c NULL.
+ * @param stdin_cb @nullable callback to send data to childs's stdin, or @c NULL.
* @param stdin_data data to pass to @a stdin_cb.
- * @param stdout_cb callback to receive child's stdout, or @c NULL.
+ * @param stdout_cb @nullable callback to receive child's stdout, or @c NULL.
* @param stdout_data data to pass to @a stdout_cb.
* @param stdout_max_length maximum data length to pass to stdout_cb, @c 0 = default.
- * @param stderr_cb callback to receive child's stderr, or @c NULL.
+ * @param stderr_cb @nullable callback to receive child's stderr, or @c NULL.
* @param stderr_data data to pass to @a stderr_cb.
* @param stderr_max_length maximum data length to pass to stderr_cb, @c 0 = default.
- * @param exit_cb callback to invoke when the child exits, or @c NULL.
+ * @param exit_cb @nullable callback to invoke when the child exits, or @c NULL.
* @param exit_data data to pass to @a exit_cb.
- * @param child_pid return location for child process ID, or @c NULL.
+ * @param child_pid @out @optional return location for child process ID, or @c NULL.
* @param error return location for error.
* @return @c TRUE on success, @c FALSE on error.
@@ -1183,14 +1183,14 @@ static void spawn_get_exit_status_cb(G_GNUC_UNUSED GPid pid, gint status, gpoint
* All output from the child, including the nul characters, is stored in @a stdout_data and
* @a stderr_data (if non-NULL). Any existing data in these strings will be erased.
- * @param working_directory child's current working directory, or @c NULL.
- * @param command_line child program and arguments, or @c NULL.
- * @param argv child's argument vector, or @c NULL.
- * @param envp child's environment, or @c NULL.
- * @param stdin_data data to send to childs's stdin, or @c NULL.
- * @param stdout_data GString location to receive the child's stdout, or NULL.
- * @param stderr_data GString location to receive the child's stderr, or NULL.
- * @param exit_status return location for the child exit code, or NULL.
+ * @param working_directory @nullable child's current working directory, or @c NULL.
+ * @param command_line @nullable child program and arguments, or @c NULL.
+ * @param argv @nullable child's argument vector, or @c NULL.
+ * @param envp @nullable child's environment, or @c NULL.
+ * @param stdin_data @nullable data to send to childs's stdin, or @c NULL.
+ * @param stdout_data @nullable GString location to receive the child's stdout, or @c NULL.
+ * @param stderr_data @nullable GString location to receive the child's stderr, or @c NULL.
+ * @param exit_status @out @optional return location for the child exit code, or @c NULL.
* @param error return location for error.
* @return @c TRUE on success, @c FALSE on error.
Modified: src/stash.c
2 lines changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ void stash_group_add_integer(StashGroup *group, gint *setting,
* @param group .
* @param setting Address of setting variable.
* @param key_name Name for key in a @c GKeyFile.
- * @param default_value String to copy if the key doesn't exist when loading, or @c NULL. */
+ * @param default_value @nullable String to copy if the key doesn't exist when loading, or @c NULL. */
void stash_group_add_string(StashGroup *group, gchar **setting,
const gchar *key_name, const gchar *default_value)
Modified: src/ui_utils.c
45 lines changed, 28 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
@@ -1461,7 +1461,10 @@ void ui_update_view_editor_menu_items(void)
/** Creates a GNOME HIG-style frame (with no border and indented child alignment).
* @param label_text The label text.
* @param alignment An address to store the alignment widget pointer.
- * @return The frame widget, setting the alignment container for packing child widgets. */
+ *
+ * @return @transfer{floating} The frame widget, setting the alignment container for
+ * packing child widgets.
+ **/
GtkWidget *ui_frame_new_with_alignment(const gchar *label_text, GtkWidget **alignment)
@@ -1484,7 +1487,8 @@ GtkWidget *ui_frame_new_with_alignment(const gchar *label_text, GtkWidget **alig
/** Makes a fixed border for dialogs without increasing the button box border.
* @param dialog The parent container for the @c GtkVBox.
- * @return The packed @c GtkVBox. */
+ *
+ * @return @transfer{none} The packed @c GtkVBox. */
GtkWidget *ui_dialog_vbox_new(GtkDialog *dialog)
@@ -1535,7 +1539,8 @@ void ui_dialog_set_primary_button_order(GtkDialog *dialog, gint response, ...)
* @c gtk_button_new_from_stock().
* @param stock_id A @c GTK_STOCK_NAME string.
* @param text Button label text, can include mnemonics.
- * @return The new @c GtkButton.
+ *
+ * @return @transfer{floating} The new @c GtkButton.
GtkWidget *ui_button_new_with_image(const gchar *stock_id, const gchar *text)
@@ -1554,7 +1559,7 @@ GtkWidget *ui_button_new_with_image(const gchar *stock_id, const gchar *text)
/** Creates a @c GtkImageMenuItem with a stock image and a custom label.
* @param stock_id Stock image ID, e.g. @c GTK_STOCK_OPEN.
* @param label Menu item label, can include mnemonics.
- * @return The new @c GtkImageMenuItem.
+ * @return @transfer{floating} The new @c GtkImageMenuItem.
* @since 0.16
@@ -1680,7 +1685,7 @@ static gboolean tree_model_find_text(GtkTreeModel *model,
/** Prepends @a text to the drop down list, removing a duplicate element in
* the list if found. Also ensures there are <= @a history_len elements.
* @param combo_entry .
- * @param text Text to add, or @c NULL for current entry text.
+ * @param text @nullable Text to add, or @c NULL for current entry text.
* @param history_len Max number of items, or @c 0 for default. */
void ui_combo_box_add_to_history(GtkComboBoxText *combo_entry,
@@ -1894,11 +1899,12 @@ void ui_widget_modify_font_from_string(GtkWidget *widget, const gchar *str)
* file chooser, replacing entry text (if successful) with the path returned from the
* @c GtkFileChooser.
* @note @a entry can be the child of an unparented widget, such as @c GtkComboBoxEntry.
- * @param title The file chooser dialog title, or @c NULL.
+ * @param title @nullable The file chooser dialog title, or @c NULL.
* @param action The mode of the file chooser.
* @param entry Can be an unpacked @c GtkEntry, or the child of an unpacked widget,
* such as @c GtkComboBoxEntry.
- * @return The @c GtkHBox.
+ *
+ * @return @transfer{floating} The @c GtkHBox.
/* @see ui_setup_open_button_callback(). */
@@ -2651,7 +2657,8 @@ void ui_widget_set_tooltip_text(GtkWidget *widget, const gchar *text)
* you want returned.
* @param widget Widget with the @a widget_name property set.
* @param widget_name Name to lookup.
- * @return The widget found.
+ *
+ * @return @transfer{none} The widget found.
* @see ui_hookup_widget().
* @since 0.16
@@ -2731,7 +2738,7 @@ static gboolean progress_bar_pulse(gpointer data)
* In this case, you need to show and hide the widget yourself. You can find some example code
* in @c src/printing.c.
- * @param text The text to be shown as the progress bar label or NULL to leave it empty.
+ * @param text @nullable The text to be shown as the progress bar label or @c NULL to leave it empty.
* @since 0.16
@@ -2836,13 +2843,15 @@ GtkWidget *ui_label_new_bold(const gchar *text)
-/** Adds a list of document items to @a menu.
+/** @girskip
+ * Adds a list of document items to @a menu.
* @param menu Menu.
- * @param active Which document to highlight, or @c NULL.
- * @param callback is used for each menu item's @c "activate" signal and will be passed
- * the corresponding document pointer as @c user_data.
+ * @param active @nullable Which document to highlight, or @c NULL.
+ * @param callback is used for each menu item's @c "activate" signal and will be
+ * passed the corresponding document pointer as @c user_data.
* @warning You should check @c doc->is_valid in the callback.
- * @since 0.19 */
+ * @since 0.19
+ **/
void ui_menu_add_document_items(GtkMenu *menu, GeanyDocument *active, GCallback callback)
@@ -2850,7 +2859,8 @@ void ui_menu_add_document_items(GtkMenu *menu, GeanyDocument *active, GCallback
-/** Adds a list of document items to @a menu.
+/** @girskip
+ * Adds a list of document items to @a menu.
* @a compare_func might be NULL to not sort the documents in the menu. In this case,
* the order of the document tabs is used.
@@ -2858,12 +2868,13 @@ void ui_menu_add_document_items(GtkMenu *menu, GeanyDocument *active, GCallback
* See document_compare_by_display_name() for an example sort function.
* @param menu Menu.
- * @param active Which document to highlight, or @c NULL.
+ * @param active @nullable Which document to highlight, or @c NULL.
* @param callback is used for each menu item's @c "activate" signal and will be passed
* the corresponding document pointer as @c user_data.
* @param compare_func is used to sort the list. Might be @c NULL to not sort the list.
* @warning You should check @c doc->is_valid in the callback.
- * @since 0.21 */
+ * @since 0.21
+ **/
void ui_menu_add_document_items_sorted(GtkMenu *menu, GeanyDocument *active,
GCallback callback, GCompareFunc compare_func)
Modified: src/utils.c
46 lines changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ gint utils_write_file(const gchar *filename, const gchar *text)
/** Searches backward through @a size bytes looking for a '<'.
* @param sel .
* @param size .
- * @return The tag name (newly allocated) or @c NULL if no opening tag was found.
+ * @return @nullable The tag name (newly allocated) or @c NULL if no opening tag was found.
gchar *utils_find_open_xml_tag(const gchar sel[], gint size)
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ gchar *utils_find_open_xml_tag(const gchar sel[], gint size)
/** Searches backward through @a size bytes looking for a '<'.
* @param sel .
* @param size .
- * @return pointer to '<' of the found opening tag within @a sel, or @c NULL if no opening tag was found.
+ * @return @nullable pointer to '<' of the found opening tag within @a sel, or @c NULL if no opening tag was found.
const gchar *utils_find_open_xml_tag_pos(const gchar sel[], gint size)
@@ -490,8 +490,8 @@ static gchar *utf8_strdown(const gchar *str)
* The input strings should be in UTF-8 or locale encoding.
- * @param s1 Pointer to first string or @c NULL.
- * @param s2 Pointer to second string or @c NULL.
+ * @param s1 @nullable Pointer to first string or @c NULL.
+ * @param s2 @nullable Pointer to second string or @c NULL.
* @return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if @a s1 is found, respectively,
* to be less than, to match, or to be greater than @a s2.
@@ -586,8 +586,8 @@ gchar *utils_str_middle_truncate(const gchar *string, guint truncate_length)
* @c NULL-safe string comparison. Returns @c TRUE if both @a a and @a b are @c NULL
* or if @a a and @a b refer to valid strings which are equal.
- * @param a Pointer to first string or @c NULL.
- * @param b Pointer to second string or @c NULL.
+ * @param a @nullable Pointer to first string or @c NULL.
+ * @param b @nullable Pointer to second string or @c NULL.
* @return @c TRUE if @a a equals @a b, else @c FALSE.
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ gint utils_strpos(const gchar *haystack, const gchar *needle)
* @param format The format string to pass to strftime(3). See the strftime(3)
* documentation for details, in UTF-8 encoding.
- * @param time_to_use The date/time to use, in time_t format or NULL to use the current time.
+ * @param time_to_use @nullable The date/time to use, in time_t format or @c NULL to use the current time.
* @return A newly-allocated string, should be freed when no longer needed.
@@ -1405,8 +1405,8 @@ gint utils_mkdir(const gchar *path, gboolean create_parent_dirs)
* @param sort Whether to sort alphabetically (UTF-8 safe).
* @param error The location for storing a possible error, or @c NULL.
- * @return A newly allocated list or @c NULL if no files were found. The list and its data should be
- * freed when no longer needed.
+ * @return @elementtype{filename} @transfer{full} @nullable A newly allocated list or @c NULL if
+ * no files were found. The list and its data should be freed when no longer needed.
* @see utils_get_file_list().
@@ -1450,8 +1450,8 @@ GSList *utils_get_file_list_full(const gchar *path, gboolean full_path, gboolean
* unless @c NULL.
* @param error The location for storing a possible error, or @c NULL.
- * @return A newly allocated list or @c NULL if no files were found. The list and its data should be
- * freed when no longer needed.
+ * @return @elementtype{filename} @transfer{full} @nullable A newly allocated list or @c NULL
+ * if no files were found. The list and its data should be freed when no longer needed.
* @see utils_get_file_list_full().
@@ -1647,15 +1647,15 @@ const gchar *utils_get_default_dir_utf8(void)
* Wraps @c spawn_sync(), which see.
- * @param dir The child's current working directory, or @c NULL to inherit parent's.
+ * @param dir @nullable The child's current working directory, or @c NULL to inherit parent's.
* @param argv The child's argument vector.
- * @param env The child's environment, or @c NULL to inherit parent's.
+ * @param env @nullable The child's environment, or @c NULL to inherit parent's.
* @param flags Ignored.
- * @param child_setup Ignored.
- * @param user_data Ignored.
- * @param std_out The return location for child output, or @c NULL.
- * @param std_err The return location for child error messages, or @c NULL.
- * @param exit_status The child exit status, as returned by waitpid(), or @c NULL.
+ * @param child_setup @girskip Ignored.
+ * @param user_data @girskip Ignored.
+ * @param std_out @out @optional The return location for child output, or @c NULL.
+ * @param std_err @out @optional The return location for child error messages, or @c NULL.
+ * @param exit_status @out @optional The child exit status, as returned by waitpid(), or @c NULL.
* @param error The return location for error or @c NULL.
* @return @c TRUE on success, @c FALSE if an error was set.
@@ -1682,13 +1682,13 @@ gboolean utils_spawn_sync(const gchar *dir, gchar **argv, gchar **env, GSpawnFla
* Wraps @c spawn_async(), which see.
- * @param dir The child's current working directory, or @c NULL to inherit parent's.
+ * @param dir @nullable The child's current working directory, or @c NULL to inherit parent's.
* @param argv The child's argument vector.
- * @param env The child's environment, or @c NULL to inherit parent's.
+ * @param env @nullable The child's environment, or @c NULL to inherit parent's.
* @param flags Ignored.
- * @param child_setup Ignored.
+ * @param child_setup @girskip Ignored.
* @param user_data Ignored.
- * @param child_pid The return location for child process ID, or NULL.
+ * @param child_pid @nullable The return location for child process ID, or @c NULL.
* @param error The return location for error or @c NULL.
* @return @c TRUE on success, @c FALSE if an error was set.
@@ -1959,7 +1959,7 @@ static gboolean str_in_array(const gchar **haystack, const gchar *needle)
* @param first_varname Name of the first variable to copy into the new array.
* @param ... Key-value pairs of variable names and values, @c NULL-terminated.
- * @return The new environment array. Use @c g_strfreev() to free it.
+ * @return @transfer{full} The new environment array. Use @c g_strfreev() to free it.
gchar **utils_copy_environment(const gchar **exclude_vars, const gchar *first_varname, ...)
Modified: tagmanager/src/tm_workspace.c
4 lines changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ static void tm_workspace_update(void)
/** Adds multiple source files to the workspace and updates the workspace tag arrays.
This is more efficient than calling tm_workspace_add_source_file() and
tm_workspace_update_source_file() separately for each of the files.
- @param source_files The source files to be added to the workspace.
+ @param source_files @elementtype{TMSourceFile} The source files to be added to the workspace.
void tm_workspace_add_source_files(GPtrArray *source_files)
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ void tm_workspace_add_source_files(GPtrArray *source_files)
arrays. This is more efficient than calling tm_workspace_remove_source_file()
separately for each of the files. To completely free the TMSourceFile pointers
call tm_source_file_free() on each of them.
- @param source_files The source files to be removed from the workspace.
+ @param source_files @elementtype{TMSourceFile} The source files to be removed from the workspace.
void tm_workspace_remove_source_files(GPtrArray *source_files)
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Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: Colomban Wendling <ban(a)>
Committer: Colomban Wendling <ban(a)>
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2016 15:34:05 UTC
Commit: 9ce7c22ad74c0d706bf857477c421320b1c9941e…
Log Message:
Fix Doxygen generation instead of working around incorrect output
Make Doxygen ignore `G_{BEGIN,END}_DECLS` and `GEANY_API_SYMBOL` …
[View More]itself
instead of stripping those manually when parsing the XML output.
This makes Doxygen parsing more robust by ignoring some odd C syntax,
and also improves the HTML version removing some incorrect C code
Modified Paths:
Modified: doc/
3 lines changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -2035,7 +2035,10 @@ INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS =
# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
# If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then this
Modified: scripts/
8 lines changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ class DoxyTypedef(DoxyElement):
def from_memberdef(xml):
name = xml.find("name").text
- d = normalize_text(xml.find("definition").text).replace("G_BEGIN_DECLS", "")
+ d = normalize_text(xml.find("definition").text)
d += ";"
return DoxyTypedef(name, d)
@@ -338,9 +338,9 @@ class DoxyFunction(DoxyElement):
def from_memberdef(xml):
name = xml.find("name").text
- d = normalize_text(xml.find("definition").text.replace("G_BEGIN_DECLS", ""))
+ d = normalize_text(xml.find("definition").text)
d += " " + xml.find("argsstring").text + ";"
- d = normalize_text(d.replace("GEANY_API_SYMBOL", ""))
+ d = normalize_text(d)
e = DoxyFunction(name, d)
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ def main(args):
for f in h_files:
if not (f.find("compoundname").text.endswith("private.h")):
for n0 in f.xpath(".//*/memberdef[@kind='typedef' and @prot='public']"):
- if not (n0.find("type").text.replace("G_BEGIN_DECLS", "").lstrip().startswith("enum")):
+ if not (n0.find("type").text.startswith("enum")):
e = DoxyTypedef.from_memberdef(n0)
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