Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: Jiří Techet <techet(a)>
Committer: Jiří Techet <techet(a)>
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 19:40:10 UTC
Commit: d686674ecae5e6c5dc889741d6a96c783b5678e4…
Log Message:
On single file update only merge the file's tags into workspace tags
Since both the file tags and workspace tags are sorted, it is unnecessary
to completely resort the tags for the workspace - instead, remove the
tags belonging to the file from the workspace tags and merge the updated
file's tags into the workspace tags.
The merge is optimized for merging small number of tags into a large array.
For instance, the total number of tags in linux kernel is about 2300000
while the average number of tags per file is about 65 (35000 source files).
Most of the time merge won't be performed so we can avoid expensive
string comparisons and try to make bigger jumps to see if some merge is
needed or not (more details in the source file comments).
Modified Paths:
Modified: tagmanager/src/tm_source_file.c
16 lines changed, 14 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -350,6 +350,12 @@ void tm_source_file_update(TMSourceFile *source_file, gboolean update_workspace)
g_message("Source file updating based on source file %s", source_file->file_name);
+ if (update_workspace)
+ {
+ /* tm_source_file_parse() deletes the tag objects - remove the tags from
+ * workspace while they exist and can be scanned */
+ tm_workspace_remove_file_tags(source_file);
+ }
tm_tags_sort(source_file->tags_array, NULL, FALSE);
if (update_workspace)
@@ -357,7 +363,7 @@ void tm_source_file_update(TMSourceFile *source_file, gboolean update_workspace)
#ifdef TM_DEBUG
g_message("Updating workspace from source file");
- tm_workspace_update();
+ tm_workspace_merge_file_tags(source_file);
#ifdef TM_DEBUG
@@ -375,6 +381,12 @@ void tm_source_file_buffer_update(TMSourceFile *source_file, guchar* text_buf,
g_message("Buffer updating based on source file %s", source_file->file_name);
+ if (update_workspace)
+ {
+ /* tm_source_file_parse() deletes the tag objects - remove the tags from
+ * workspace while they exist and can be scanned */
+ tm_workspace_remove_file_tags(source_file);
+ }
tm_source_file_buffer_parse (source_file, text_buf, buf_size);
tm_tags_sort(source_file->tags_array, NULL, FALSE);
if (update_workspace)
@@ -382,7 +394,7 @@ void tm_source_file_buffer_update(TMSourceFile *source_file, guchar* text_buf,
#ifdef TM_DEBUG
g_message("Updating workspace from buffer..");
- tm_workspace_update();
+ tm_workspace_merge_file_tags(source_file);
#ifdef TM_DEBUG
Modified: tagmanager/src/tm_tag.c
113 lines changed, 113 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -835,6 +835,119 @@ gboolean tm_tags_sort(GPtrArray *tags_array, TMTagAttrType *sort_attributes, gbo
return TRUE;
+GPtrArray *tm_tags_remove_file_tags(TMSourceFile *source_file, GPtrArray *tags_array)
+ gint i;
+ for (i = 0; i < tags_array->len; i++)
+ {
+ TMTag *tag = tags_array->pdata[i];
+ if (tag != NULL && tag->atts.entry.file == source_file)
+ tags_array->pdata[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ tm_tags_prune(tags_array);
+/* Optimized merge sort for merging sorted values from one array to another
+ * where one of the arrays is much smaller than the other.
+ * The merge complexity depends mostly on the size of the small array
+ * and is almost independent of the size of the big array.
+ * In addition, get rid of the duplicates (if both big_array and small_array are duplicate-free). */
+static GPtrArray *merge_big_small(GPtrArray *big_array, GPtrArray *small_array) {
+ gint i1 = 0; /* index to big_array */
+ gint i2 = 0; /* index to small_array */
+ /* on average, we are merging a value from small_array every
+ * len(big_array) / len(small_array) values - good approximation for fast jump
+ * step size */
+ gint initial_step = big_array->len / small_array->len;
+ initial_step = initial_step > 4 ? initial_step : 1;
+ gint step = initial_step;
+ GPtrArray *res_array = g_ptr_array_sized_new(big_array->len + small_array->len);
+#ifdef TM_DEBUG
+ gint cmpnum = 0;
+ while (i1 < big_array->len && i2 < small_array->len)
+ {
+ gint cmpval;
+ gpointer val1 = big_array->pdata[i1];
+ gpointer val2 = small_array->pdata[i2];
+ if (step > 4) /* fast path start */
+ {
+ gint j1 = (i1 + step < big_array->len) ? i1 + step : big_array->len - 1;
+ val1 = big_array->pdata[j1];
+#ifdef TM_DEBUG
+ cmpnum++;
+ /* if the value in big_array after making the big step is still smaller
+ * than the value in small_array, we can copy all the values inbetween
+ * into the result without making expensive string comparisons */
+ if (tm_tag_compare(&val1, &val2) < 0)
+ {
+ while (i1 <= j1)
+ {
+ val1 = big_array->pdata[i1];
+ g_ptr_array_add(res_array, val1);
+ i1++;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* lower the step and try again */
+ step /= 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ } /* fast path end */
+#ifdef TM_DEBUG
+ cmpnum++;
+ cmpval = tm_tag_compare(&val1, &val2);
+ if (cmpval < 0)
+ {
+ g_ptr_array_add(res_array, val1);
+ i1++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_ptr_array_add(res_array, val2);
+ i2++;
+ /* value from small_array gets merged - reset the step size */
+ step = initial_step;
+ if (cmpval == 0)
+ i1++; /* remove the duplicate, keep just the newly merged value */
+ }
+ }
+ /* end of one of the arrays reached - copy the rest from the other array */
+ while (i1 < big_array->len)
+ g_ptr_array_add(res_array, big_array->pdata[i1++]);
+ while (i2 < small_array->len)
+ g_ptr_array_add(res_array, small_array->pdata[i2++]);
+#ifdef TM_DEBUG
+ printf("cmpnums: %d\n", cmpnum);
+ printf("total tags: %d\n", big_array->len);
+ printf("merged tags: %d\n\n", small_array->len);
+ return res_array;
+GPtrArray *tm_tags_merge_big_small(GPtrArray *big_array, GPtrArray *small_array, TMTagAttrType *sort_attributes)
+ GPtrArray *res_array;
+ s_sort_attrs = sort_attributes;
+ s_partial = FALSE;
+ res_array = merge_big_small(big_array, small_array);
+ s_sort_attrs = NULL;
+ return res_array;
gboolean tm_tags_custom_sort(GPtrArray *tags_array, TMTagCompareFunc compare_func, gboolean dedup)
if ((!tags_array) || (!tags_array->len))
Modified: tagmanager/src/tm_tag.h
4 lines changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -242,6 +242,10 @@ int tm_tag_compare(const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2);
gboolean tm_tags_merge(GPtrArray *tags_array, gsize orig_len,
TMTagAttrType *sort_attributes, gboolean dedup);
+GPtrArray *tm_tags_remove_file_tags(TMSourceFile *source_file, GPtrArray *tags_array);
+GPtrArray *tm_tags_merge_big_small(GPtrArray *big_array, GPtrArray *small_array, TMTagAttrType *sort_attributes);
Sort an array of tags on the specified attribuites using the inbuilt comparison
Modified: tagmanager/src/tm_workspace.c
28 lines changed, 26 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ gboolean tm_workspace_remove_source_file(TMSourceFile *source_file, gboolean do_
if (theWorkspace->source_files->pdata[i] == source_file)
+ if (update)
+ tm_workspace_remove_file_tags(source_file);
if (do_free)
g_ptr_array_remove_index_fast(theWorkspace->source_files, i);
- if (update)
- tm_workspace_update();
return TRUE;
@@ -489,6 +489,30 @@ void tm_workspace_recreate_tags_array(void)
tm_tags_sort(theWorkspace->tags_array, sort_attrs, TRUE);
+void tm_workspace_remove_file_tags(TMSourceFile *source_file)
+ if (theWorkspace->tags_array != NULL)
+ tm_tags_remove_file_tags(source_file, theWorkspace->tags_array);
+void tm_workspace_merge_file_tags(TMSourceFile *source_file)
+ TMTagAttrType sort_attrs[] = { tm_tag_attr_name_t, tm_tag_attr_file_t,
+ tm_tag_attr_scope_t, tm_tag_attr_type_t, tm_tag_attr_arglist_t, 0};
+ if (theWorkspace->tags_array == NULL)
+ theWorkspace->tags_array = g_ptr_array_new();
+ if (source_file->tags_array != NULL)
+ {
+ GPtrArray *new_tags = tm_tags_merge_big_small(theWorkspace->tags_array,
+ source_file->tags_array, sort_attrs);
+ /* tags owned by TMSourceFile - free just the pointer array */
+ g_ptr_array_free(theWorkspace->tags_array, TRUE);
+ theWorkspace->tags_array = new_tags;
+ }
void tm_workspace_update(void)
#ifdef TM_DEBUG
Modified: tagmanager/src/tm_workspace.h
3 lines changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -159,6 +159,9 @@ const GPtrArray *tm_workspace_get_parents(const gchar *name);
void tm_workspace_free(void);
+void tm_workspace_merge_file_tags(TMSourceFile *source_file);
+void tm_workspace_remove_file_tags(TMSourceFile *source_file);
#endif /* GEANY_PRIVATE */
This E-Mail was brought to you by (Source:
Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: Colomban Wendling <ban(a)>
Committer: Colomban Wendling <ban(a)>
Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 17:34:15 UTC
Commit: fd4f31cc07fa86cc5287f493e7c2fad925b9868f…
Log Message:
Bump Geany API and ABI for TagManager API changes
Modified Paths:
Modified: src/plugindata.h
4 lines changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
* @warning You should not test for values below 200 as previously
* @c GEANY_API_VERSION was defined as an enum value, not a macro.
-#define GEANY_API_VERSION 220
+#define GEANY_API_VERSION 221
/* hack to have a different ABI when built with GTK3 because loading GTK2-linked plugins
* with GTK3-linked Geany leads to crash */
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
* Changing this forces all plugins to be recompiled before Geany can load them. */
/* This should usually stay the same if fields are only appended, assuming only pointers to
* structs and not structs themselves are declared by plugins. */
/** Defines a function to check the plugin is safe to load.
This E-Mail was brought to you by (Source:
Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: Thomas Martitz <kugel(a)>
Committer: Thomas Martitz <kugel(a)>
Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 16:59:05 UTC
Commit: 53101dd5fa3c622b60be2e99163f0469246e0bc9…
Log Message:
project: Remove unecessary calls after loading project files
document_new_file_if_non_open() and ui_focus_current_document() only make sense
when files where actually opened, but the preceeding
configuration_load_session_files() only loads the file names into the global
session_files variable, from which the files are actually opened by a later
call to configuration_open_files(). These two calls should be done after that
one and the callers generally do this already.
Modified Paths:
Modified: src/project.c
2 lines changed, 0 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -1070,8 +1070,6 @@ static gboolean load_config(const gchar *filename)
/* read session files so they can be opened with configuration_open_files() */
configuration_load_session_files(config, FALSE);
- document_new_file_if_non_open();
- ui_focus_current_document();
g_signal_emit_by_name(geany_object, "project-open", config);
This E-Mail was brought to you by (Source: