Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: elextr <elextr(a)>
Committer: elextr <elextr(a)>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 04:52:52 UTC
Commit: d4398d7fd0c028bf51b58b229c6b4d4a7b4b96f1…
Log Message:
Add some more explanation to indentation documentation
Explain operation of tabs and spaces setting.
Explain relation of autoindent settings and indentation type.
Add note regarding filetypes to match braces.
Modified Paths:
Modified: doc/geany.txt
29 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
@@ -786,9 +786,22 @@ Indentation
Geany allows each document to indent either with a tab character,
-multiple spaces or a combination of both. The default indent
-settings are set in `Editor Indentation preferences`_ (see the link
-for more information).
+multiple spaces or a combination of both.
+The *Tabs* setting indents with one tab character per indent level, and
+displays tabs as the indent width.
+The *Spaces* setting indents with the number of spaces set in the indent
+width for each level.
+The *Tabs and Spaces* setting indents with spaces as above, then converts
+as many spaces as it can to tab characters at the rate of one tab for
+each multiple of the `Various preference` setting
+*indent_hard_tab_width* (default 8) and displays tabs as the
+*indent_hard_tab_width* value.
+The default indent settings are set in `Editor Indentation
+preferences`_ (see the link for more information).
The default settings can be overridden per-document using the
Document menu. They can also be overridden by projects - see
@@ -830,7 +843,10 @@ Geany has four types of auto-indentation:
Disables auto-indentation completely.
- Adds the same amount of whitespace on a new line as on the last line.
+ Adds the same amount of whitespace on a new line as on the previous line.
+ For the *Tabs* and the *Spaces* indent types the indentation will use the
+ same combination of characters as the previous line. The
+ *Tabs and Spaces* indentation type converts as explained above.
Current chars
Does the same as *Basic* but also indents a new line after an opening
brace '{', and de-indents when typing a closing brace '}'. For Python,
@@ -838,7 +854,10 @@ Current chars
previous line.
Match braces
Similar to *Current chars* but the closing brace will be aligned to
- match the indentation of the line with the opening brace.
+ match the indentation of the line with the opening brace. This
+ requires the filetype to be one where Geany knows that the Scintilla
+ lexer understands matching braces (C, C++, D, HTML, Pascal, Bash,
+ Perl, TCL).
There is also XML-tag auto-indentation. This is enabled when the
mode is more than just Basic, and is also controlled by a filetype
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Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: John Long <a(a)>
Committer: Colomban Wendling <ban(a)>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 21:56:37 UTC
Commit: 750ac6e9781bbfcb751e9a34bdcbbe8007c00046…
Log Message:
Add 'self' to list of PHP keywords
Modified Paths:
Modified: data/filetypes.html
2 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
javascript=abs abstract acos anchor asin atan atan2 big bold boolean break byte case catch ceil char charAt charCodeAt class concat const continue cos Date debugger default delete do double else enum escape eval exp export extends false final finally fixed float floor fontcolor fontsize for fromCharCode function goto if implements import in indexOf Infinity instanceof int interface isFinite isNaN italics join lastIndexOf length link log long Math max MAX_VALUE min MIN_VALUE NaN native NEGATIVE_INFINITY new null Number package parseFloat parseInt pop POSITIVE_INFINITY pow private protected public push random return reverse round shift short sin slice small sort splice split sqrt static strike string String sub substr substring sup super switch synchronized tan this throw throws toLowerCase toString toUpperCase transient true try typeof undefined unescape unshift valueOf var void volatile while with
vbscript=and as boolean byref byte byval call case class const continue currency date dim do double each else elseif empty end error exit false for function get global goto if in integer long loop me new next not nothing object on optional or private property public put redim rem resume select set single string sub then to true type until variant wend while with
python=and assert break class continue complex def del elif else except exec finally for from global if import in inherit is int lambda not or pass print raise return tuple try unicode while yield long float str list
-php=abstract and array as bool boolean break case catch cfunction __class__ class clone const continue declare default die __dir__ directory do double echo else elseif empty enddeclare endfor endforeach endif endswitch endwhile eval exception exit extends false __file__ final float for foreach __function__ function goto global if implements include include_once instanceof int integer interface isset __line__ list __method__ namespace __namespace__ new null object old_function or parent php_user_filter print private protected public real require require_once resource return __sleep static stdclass string switch this throw true try unset use var __wakeup while xor insteadof trait
+php=abstract and array as bool boolean break case catch cfunction __class__ class clone const continue declare default die __dir__ directory do double echo else elseif empty enddeclare endfor endforeach endif endswitch endwhile eval exception exit extends false __file__ final float for foreach __function__ function goto global if implements include include_once instanceof int integer interface isset __line__ list __method__ namespace __namespace__ new null object old_function or parent php_user_filter print private protected public real require require_once resource return self __sleep static stdclass string switch this throw true try unset use var __wakeup while xor insteadof trait
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