Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: Felix Totir <felix.totir(a)>
Committer: Colomban Wendling <ban(a)>
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2013 15:06:32 UTC
Commit: cfed3c3f23258a2947a44e295d777c9a2e660891…
Log Message:
Add missing D keywords
Closes #3595187.
Modified Paths:
Modified: data/filetypes.d
2 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ commentdockeyworderror=comment_doc_keyword_error
# all items must be in one line
-primary=__FILE__ __LINE__ __DATA__ __TIME__ __TIMESTAMP__ abstract alias align asm assert auto body bool break byte case cast catch cdouble cent cfloat char class const continue creal dchar debug default delegate delete deprecated do double else enum export extern false final finally float for foreach function goto idouble if ifloat immutable import in inout int interface invariant ireal is long macro mixin module new nothrow null out override package pragma private protected public pure real ref return scope shared short static struct super switch synchronized template this throw true try typedef typeof ubyte ucent uint ulong union unittest ushort version void volatile wchar while with
+primary=__FILE__ __LINE__ __DATA__ __TIME__ __TIMESTAMP__ abstract alias align asm assert auto body bool break byte case cast catch cdouble cent cfloat char class const continue creal dchar debug default delegate delete deprecated do double else enum export extern false final finally float for foreach foreach_reverse function goto idouble if ifloat immutable import in inout int interface invariant ireal is lazy long macro mixin module new nothrow null out override package pragma private protected public pure real ref return scope shared short static struct super switch synchronized template this throw true try typedef typeof ubyte ucent uint ulong union unittest ushort version void volatile wchar while with
# documentation keywords for D, currently not working
docComment=Authors Bugs Copyright Date Deprecated Examples History License Macros Params Returns See_Also Standards Throws Version
This E-Mail was brought to you by (Source:
Branch: refs/heads/gtk3-support
Author: Felix Totir <felix.totir(a)>
Committer: Colomban Wendling <ban(a)>
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2013 15:06:32 UTC
Commit: cfed3c3f23258a2947a44e295d777c9a2e660891…
Log Message:
Add missing D keywords
Closes #3595187.
Modified Paths:
Modified: data/filetypes.d
2 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ commentdockeyworderror=comment_doc_keyword_error
# all items must be in one line
-primary=__FILE__ __LINE__ __DATA__ __TIME__ __TIMESTAMP__ abstract alias align asm assert auto body bool break byte case cast catch cdouble cent cfloat char class const continue creal dchar debug default delegate delete deprecated do double else enum export extern false final finally float for foreach function goto idouble if ifloat immutable import in inout int interface invariant ireal is long macro mixin module new nothrow null out override package pragma private protected public pure real ref return scope shared short static struct super switch synchronized template this throw true try typedef typeof ubyte ucent uint ulong union unittest ushort version void volatile wchar while with
+primary=__FILE__ __LINE__ __DATA__ __TIME__ __TIMESTAMP__ abstract alias align asm assert auto body bool break byte case cast catch cdouble cent cfloat char class const continue creal dchar debug default delegate delete deprecated do double else enum export extern false final finally float for foreach foreach_reverse function goto idouble if ifloat immutable import in inout int interface invariant ireal is lazy long macro mixin module new nothrow null out override package pragma private protected public pure real ref return scope shared short static struct super switch synchronized template this throw true try typedef typeof ubyte ucent uint ulong union unittest ushort version void volatile wchar while with
# documentation keywords for D, currently not working
docComment=Authors Bugs Copyright Date Deprecated Examples History License Macros Params Returns See_Also Standards Throws Version
This E-Mail was brought to you by (Source: