Hi all,
I created a share object (so) - libdsso
I am trying, successfully to debug it through gdb:
gcc -g testc -lds
However, when i am trying to debug through geany, i get an error immediately:
program existed with error 127
just to mention - everything else is working just fine (compiling with static library, makefiles etc)
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'Geany' no longer detects if there is an instance of itself already running, thus multiple instances are starting up, instead of files being opened in the current instance.
I doubt it is a "#ifdef HAVE_SOCKET" not being defined since the mutexs (called mutants in win32) are being created with the name 'Geany'.
I suspect it had to do with recent cleanups and changes in https://github.com/geany/geany/commits/c5b0fc459a1251c824a44edb5dfab4a8feb0…

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This is probably a bug in scintilla / ctags / whatever. Please forward appropriately.
Save the following as a normal file:
Hello [lovely
Note that the line breaks are important. `Asdf` should be on the forth line.
Open this file in geany, move the cursor to the end of the line (right after the closing parenthesis that closes the link) and press 'return'. ('Enter' has the same effect.)
Expected behavior: a new line appears. Duh. (Nothing else should change.)
Actual behavior: a new line appears … and everything afterwards is also part of that link. At least that's what the syntax highlighting suddenly indicates. The whole rest of the file is affected; it doesn't reset at paragraph boundaries or any other sane "well no kind of formatting can cross this point anyway" border.
Manual workaround: find the "link" that caused all this, insert a character before it and delete it again. This seems to cause re-parsing of the link, and this time it works.
$ geany --version
geany 1.27 (git >= d1fcd9f) (kompiliert am 2016-01-03 mit GTK 2.24.29, GLib 2.46.2)
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I don't recall specifically enabling the XML Snippets plugin, but it appears to conflict with the internal XML tag closing mechanism in some way. I recently ran into an issue editing an XSL stylesheet where typing the closing bracket (`>`) would crash Geany. I disabled the XML Snippets plugin, and Geany didn't crash when typing the closing bracket, while allowing Geany to create the closing tag using the built-in function.
What does XML Snippets do that the `XML/HTML tag auto-closing` built-in feature doesn't? Should XML Snippets be removed?
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When I select one character, the <b>sel</b>ection count and the <b>col</b>umn number are correct, but when I extend the selection by one character, the <b>sel</b>ection increases by 4 not 1, although the <b>col</b>umn number only increases by the expected value of 1.
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Scintilla uses LexLisp.cxx for Lisp and Scheme, but Geany uses Lisp only. I use GIMP and Script-Fu and I would like to see the syntax :)
If it possible, [geany-master-scheme.zip](http://www118.zippyshare.com/v/VoUXDqTp/file.html) (new/modif. files):
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I have a new PC which has a 13 inch 1920x1080 display. It comes with a W10 display configuration with a zoom of 150% (recommended) for the texts and applications.
It works well for other applications but geany is now blurred. The icon as well. cf image.
Could you do something ??

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While trying operator overloading in Rust, I see some unexepected behaviour of Geany. For a structure called ComplexNumber, the implementation of Add and Mul require separate implementation blocks. I expected that Add and Mul would be listed together with print and magnitude. If I try operator overloading in a similar way in C++, the member functions get nicely grouped below the name of the structure, even if they are defined in separate blocks. See the picture and the attached Rust example.

use std::ops::{Add,Mul};
pub struct ComplexNumber {
r : f64,
j : f64
impl Add for ComplexNumber{
type Output = ComplexNumber;
fn add(self, rhs: ComplexNumber) -> ComplexNumber {
ComplexNumber {r: self.r+rhs.r, j: self.j+rhs.j}
impl Mul for ComplexNumber{
type Output = ComplexNumber;
fn mul(self, rhs: ComplexNumber) -> ComplexNumber {
ComplexNumber {r: self.r*rhs.r-self.j*rhs.j, j: self.r*rhs.j+self.j*rhs.r}
impl ComplexNumber {
fn print(& self) {
print!("{}+{}i ",self.r,self.j);
fn magnitude(& self) -> f64 {
fn main()
let a = ComplexNumber {r: 1.0, j: 0.0};
let b = ComplexNumber {r: 0.0, j: 1.0};
let c = a + b;
let d = a * b;
let e = c + d;
print!("{} ", e.magnitude());
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When I push the text size up to the limit using <b>control+mouse wheel</b> and then do a word completion, the choice seem to be truncated.
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Please consider adding snippets to word completions so that when I want <b>lambda</b> acted on as a snippet, I would be able to type <b>lam</b>, choose from the possible completions, and then if I chose <b>lambda</b> from the list with the <b>tab</b> character, the snippet would be completed to get <b>𝝺</b>
Thanks for your consideration of this matter.
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