I would like to see the Multipaste option for Scintilla implemented I hacked together something that works, but someone just needs to add a new option in Preferences somewhere to set it
add to sciwrappersc:
void sci_set_multi_paste(ScintillaObject *sci, gboolean mpval) { SSM(sci, SCI_SETMULTIPASTE, SC_MULTIPASTE_EACH, 0); }
add to sciwrappersh:
void sci_set_multi_paste (ScintillaObject *sci, gboolean mpval);
What works for now, but requires that you modify something in Preferences at least once in the session to get it to fire is adding, the following to editorc:
sci_set_multi_paste(editor->sci, 1);
To test it out turn on the setting, change a keybinding in Preferences
Then copy some text to the clipboard, select multilines (Alt+Shift Up/DownArrow) and paste!
Now you should see all pasted text onto each line in the editor
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I followed the instructions on the homepage exactly, but my colorscheme hasn't changed when I restart Geany. Are there missing instructions?
"Extract the tarball and copy all of the files in the colorschemes directory to your C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\geany\colorschemes directory. Create this directory if it doesn't already exist."
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I will be really nice to have the feature "go to column" to be able to easily go to a specific column (say 1500) for text files with long lines (usually data exchange files)
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I am really enjoying using Geany and congratulate you on its richness of functions but there is one thing that makes me curse:
I have to close the "find" pop-up dialog each time that I select a new area of text to find and then re-open it by clicking "find" or ctrl-f.
I have been used to using TexPad which re-writes the new find text each time without having to close the pop-up.
Thank you for your great efforts.
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I have a large Java file (4.8MB). If I insert a new <b><big>{</big></b> near the start of this file, the run time for the parser becomes very long (5 minutes or so) - while the parser is running the editor is unusable. Is there some way to prevent this from happening? By parser I mean the code that determines the coloration of the keywords, strings, etc. <b>Thanks!</b>
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For example, If I open a geany project with 2 documents.
- I click on "document » fold all"
- I click on "project » close"
No if I reopen the same project, "fold" status are lost, I need to click again on "document » fold all".
Please, can you save fold status?
Thanks (Geany 1.26)
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Note that I don't use geany much anymore so can't comment on the veracity of these changes.
Here are the notes from Wolfgang regarding the two bugs this fixes.
I made 2 changes to your geany-plugin Shiftcolumn, see the code attached.
-fixed a bug when one selects text from right to left and then shifts it
(see comment "in case selection_start was after selection_end" in my code)
-When no text is selected, now the current word is exchanged with the
next/previous, which I find quite useful.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* Changes from Wolfgang Schwarz <wschwarz(a)online.de>
-- File Changes --
M shiftcolumn/src/shiftcolumn.c (164)
-- Patch Links --
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For example `10.5`. Some other editors accept that value.
Thanks :-)
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Using geany plugins 1.26, from Ubuntu packages:
When I type (, Geany shows ()). The same for [, { and <.
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