is there any chance to add Lexer for [AutoIt3 scripting language](https://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/) to Geany? I am ready to help with a _filetypes.au3_ and _au3.tags_.
P.S. _LexAU3.cxx_ in the source of Scintilla is old (Jul 26, 2007), but it works (as well as au3.properties).
[There is a new version](https://bitbucket.org/scite-ru/scite-ru.bitbucket.org/src/53d62fc5… (Sep 05, 2013). I tried to compile SciTE 3.6.4 with new version: it's works on Windows XP SP3 (MinGW), but there are some weird problems with ends commentblock on Xubuntu 14.04. I seem to find the problem and wrote the author.
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I wanted to try running geany from source,
so an `autogen.sh` and `make` later I've got it.
I run `src/geany`, skipping `make install` since I don't want to install it,
it gives me the error Failed to open file '/usr/local/share/geany/geany.glade'.
I look around and find no option or environment variable to change the data directory, (something like `-c`)
The two options I found were:
* `mkdir build && ./configure --prefix=$(pwd)/build && make && make install`
* changing in https://github.com/geany/geany/blob/master/src/utils.c#L2142 `GEANY_DATADIR` to `""`
neither are good.
Is there something to do to use a source version of geany that doesn't requires modifying the source code or installing it after each make?
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This is a follow up to #397. Check, whether the fix suggested inside PR is needed or some other solution needs to be there
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The plugin does not highlight all the words that match current word under cursor but only the words which are visible on the screen. During scrolling a document no more highlighted word appears.
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I have just built a clean git clone of geany and geany-plugins.
./configure --disable-all-plugins --enable-scope
Using Debug | Setup Program dialogue I attempt to set "Working dir" but it will not accept a dir. In fact this seems to be a FILE open dialogue. I have to select file and click "open", then manually edit off the file name part
Fedora 20, using gtk2 2.24.27
I have not worked wiht GTK+ recently but I would have thought there is an option to select a dir instead of a file.
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Please consider making it possible to open a file by clicking a line in the terminal pane as <b>Shift-Ctrl-O</b> == <b>Open Selected File</b> does not seem to work in this context. <b>Thanks!</b>
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Anybody mind if I add `*.s` and `*.S` to `filetype_extensions.conf` for `ASM`? It's the extension commonly used by/for GCC/GAS.
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When I search for some text, I can use the "find" window (`ctrl+f`). In this window I have the "mark" button which can highlight the searched phrase. Sometimes I want to replace some text, and this can be easily done via the "replace" window (`ctrl+h`). In the second case, there's no "mark" button. Often I want to know where exactly the phrase that is going to be replaced appears in the text. In such cases I have to call the "find" window first, mark the text, and then switch to the "replace" window and replace the text. Could you add the "mark" button to the "replace" window?
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