[Geany-Devel] Integrate ESLint into Geany

Abel akronix5 at xxxxx
Wed Aug 10 22:27:04 UTC 2016

On 11 August 2016 at 00:06, Colomban Wendling <lists.ban at herbesfolles.org>

> Hi,
> Le 10/08/2016 à 23:58, Abel a écrit :
> If it provides a command-line interface (which it seems), you likely can
> call it as a build command (see the manual).  Using a linter as a build
> command is very easy: just configure the build command appropriately.
> There already are a few filtypes that come with a linter configured --
> including JavaScript, using jshint -- so you can base yours on that.

Thank you! That's a good point to start from.

> Complexity for making it a plugin (so potentially getting more 'live'
> feedback) will highly depend on whether that thing has an API, and how
> it works.

I previously received this answer from the eslint maling list:

If the editor can execute Node.js directly (like Atom or Visual Studio
> Code), you can use Node.js API: http://eslint.org/docs/
> developer-guide/nodejs-api
> Otherwise (like Sublime Text or Vim), maybe you can use CLI and
> communicate by stdio: http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/command-line-
> interface

But if there are plugins for sublime or vim using CLI, it seems that the
CLI way is not that bad.
BTW, I forgot to link to the list of known editors integrations with ESLint:

> Also, for the moment you pretty much need to write Geany
> plugins in C or C++, although Thomas' Peasy plugin [1] adds support for
> several languages (include JS I'd believe), and it's getting closer to
> stability.

What about Vala?
it's getting closer to stability means that it'll be soon inside Geany

> But no, I'm not aware of anyone having already written something with
> this eslint thing.
> Cheers,
> Colomban

Thank you Colomban!!

> [1] https://github.com/kugel-/peasy/
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