[Geany-Devel] Arduino

Oly olymk2 at xxxxx
Thu Jun 20 18:14:37 UTC 2013

I know you can use avrdude to build your code, and you can even make geany
upload with some magic :)

I seem to remember you had to write a script to reset the serial connection
before upload, i started to write a plugin for geany in python not sure on
if it even works as i dont have much space to work with electronics

I could upload the code though to launchpad, if you want to take a look and
continue with the development, i started putting code to detect the board
you had attached and things like that.

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 2:44 PM, Antoine Villeret <
antoine.villeret at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi again,
> I'm using Arduino a lot and I can't bear Arduino IDE anymore...
> So I'm looking for a way to write Arduino code in my favorite IDE, aka
> Geany.
> When searching through archive for Arduino keyword I only found this post
> :
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.editors.geany.devel/7715/match=arduino
> not so old but nothing else
> And I found nothing related to Arduino in the geany and geany-plugins git
> repos.
> But the feature request 597 ask for adding *.ino in the C++ extension and
> it is still open (well it's very easy to do).
> When googling for Geany and Arduino, I've found a French blog explaining
> howto write, build and upload Arduino with Geany
> http://influence-pc.fr/10-07-2012-alternative-a-lide-arduino-decouvrez-ino-geany
> Based on this, I made a filetypes.Arduino.conf that defines keyword to
> highlight Arduino functions like analogRead(), it also defines building
> commands based on the command line tool ino.
> and update my filetype_extensions.conf to add an Arduino file type with
> extension *.ino and *.pde
> This is not so much work, but it's already a lot better than Arduino IDE...
> There are several drawbacks :
> - it depends on the third party command line tool ino and this
> tool requires a special folder structure (to found the libs and so on...)
> - it doesn't support autocompletion for now
> - third party Arduino library keywords are not highlighted
> So this could be improve a lot but I think this is a good start and want
> to share it with people.
> What's the best ?
> I'm not familiar enough with plugin to know if it's better for that
> purpose or if a simple configuration file will be enough.
> My configuration files are attached.
> Feedbacks and help are welcome :-)
> Antoine
> --
> do it yourself
> http://antoine.villeret.free.fr
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