[Geany-devel] geany-plugins depends on GIO

Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger at xxxxx
Sun Nov 21 16:28:50 UTC 2010

On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 00:40:04 +0100, Thomas wrote:

>On 18.11.2010 00:31, Enrico Tröger wrote:
>> I do agree.
>> It was not to hide the discussion or anything.
>> I was just making some changes to the plugins' build system or tested
>> something or whatever and stumpled upon the error.
>> So I made the little patch, sent it to Frank and added a note that
>> even after compiling the plugin wouldn't work correctly because of
>> the compiled-in Geany version.
>> Honestly, I assumed Frank would just apply the patch, would have
>> answered: yes, I'll fix it and voila.
>> At this point I didn't know and expect the current lengthy discussion
>> on the list.
>> Mea culpa.
>I think it's OK if it happens once in a while; often you just don't 
>think about it when you're discussing and sometimes the topic appears
>to be not important enough.

This is how it goes.
Nick, Frank and me doesn't coomunicate that much in private, at least
not about Geany :).
The remaining things most often should kept private, haha.

>But it's not the first time I notice that there's been quite some talk 
>behind the themes. I feel it happens a lot (e.g. you never see 
>discussions when it comes to upgrading the integrated scintilla copy, 
>but yet it happens), and that makes me feel the development process is 

Er, no. Not really as far as I remember. I think to remember that I
wrote once in a while Nick a mail like 'any objections in updating
Scintilla', he answered no and I did. Something like this, not really
intensive discussions.
What we did also in private sometimes was talking about releases, i.e.
when to release what everyone has still to do and time to make the
release. We could have done this on the list but I think the benefit
would have been small. This was really more

>(in fact, all FOSS projects do) benefits from involving the community
>as much as possible.

And that is how it should be and should stay. I can speak only for
myself: I didn't want to exclude the community in any decisions at any
point. There are just a few, little and not so important things which
don't need a 200 mails thread on the list.
Again, when this happened, this was nothing critical to Geany.

I'm sorry to hear you got the feeling there is anything happening
behind the scenes.


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