[Geany-devel] Find in files - Re: Patches required by gproject

Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven at xxxxx
Fri Jun 25 15:31:37 UTC 2010

On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 14:32:38 +0200
Jiří Techet <techet at gmail.com> wrote:

> > I wanted the Files box to be there and wanted to tidy up some things in
> > the GUI code so that's done now.
> Looks good. I was just wondering about what separator should be used
> to separate the individual patterns - in gproject I used semicolon
> because this makes it consistent with filetype_extensions.conf. What's
> the reason for using space (readability, some other settings that uses
> spaces or something else)? If you decide for space I'll change
> gproject to make it consistent with the FIF dialog.

Readability - it's a GUI setting. SciTE does it like that and it looks

> > I probably won't add a 'Use project patterns' checkbox for a while so
> > patches are welcome.
> I'll do that. I've already modified gproject to make it easier to
> integrate it with current geany project and after modifying geany,
> I'll send all the necessary patches together.

I'm not sure what gproject wants to do with this, I assumed Geany's
Project Properties dialog 'patterns' field would be used rather than
changing the API, so it would be a core feature rather than gproject.
What do you have in mind?


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