I found Geany via a reference in the "python crash course" and I had never heard of it but I was curious... this code was updated almost two months ago and very little activity.
My question is this, what is the unique functionality of Geany that would make anyone use it over say sublime, atom, vim, emacs, Jupyter notebook, Pycharm or a dozen other widely used products or even Visual Studio.
I'm operating on ignorance here, having never had someone even say the word "Geany like Genie?" and wanted to know what is the point of Geany, what does it do that is special other than, text editor over a network which seems to be such a common function that it seems practically standard nowadays.
Perhaps Geany is a holdover from the Fortran days and is still being used by loyalists or?
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When `Tools->Configuration Files ...` is used to edit a config file it is copied in its entirety to the buffer, so when it is saved it overrides all the settings in the system filetype file, not just the ones that the user changes. So system filetype files distributed with new versions of Geany will be ignored.
Suggest when the file is loaded into the buffer it be prefixed by `# ` to make all contents comments, so the user only need uncomment those they edit and so only those entries will override new system files.
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Besides searching for keywords like variables or unique words in codes, one also sometimes just want to search for special symbols like "\t" or "\n" for some reasons. One would activate "regular expression" for this, but still, "\n" will not be found, unless "multi-line matching" is activated.
To have an extra option for **multi-line matching** is somehow useless, this **should** obviously **be the default if searching for regular expression**. This also would simplify the search/replace dialog a bit.
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It might be useful to have an [`ISSUE_TEMPLATE`][0] file that people fill out when submitting new Github Issues. Although it adds a slight [PITA][1] when submitting bug reports, it should help to avoid the common back-and-forth at the start of most issues to request useful information.
I have written [one such template][2]. The "Prerequisites" section is based on the most common missing/wrong things I've seen in submitted issues. Perhaps it belongs in a `CONTRIBUTING` file instead, but putting it inline in the [`ISSUE_TEMPLATE`][0] makes sure people have to explicitly ignore it.
For now don't worry about spelling or grammar mistakes, but I'm interested to see whether this is wanted at all, and whether any sections or items should be added or removed. We can get the exact spelling and wording fine-tuned when I make an actual pull request.
Feel free to [try it out][3] on my testing repository.
[0]: https://help.github.com/articles/about-issue-and-pull-request-templates/
[1]: http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/pita
[2]: https://github.com/codebrainz/geany-issue-template
[3]: https://github.com/codebrainz/geany-issue-template/issues/new
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When creating new file ( if the plug-in setting is 'Open newly created file' ), the file opens immediately without giving the possibility to set a name.
When deleting existing file the Treeview duplicates all the existing files but not physically. It's just the Treeview somehow not refreshing correctly. Very annoying because it's difficult to distinguish which file exists and which not.
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