Sometimes we don't want the sidebar on at all the times, thus it'd great if we can have a shortcut which can toggle it.
Ideally, I'd request that items in the menu bar have a shortcut. (line wrapping, going to next tab).
I searched through the keyboard shortcuts but couldn't find it. If they are indeed present, it'd be great to display them in the menu bar itself, it is immensely helpful.
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How to use Geany?
Download and install the following:
and I tried to compile
program untitled;
uses crt;
var i: byte;
writeln ( 'Hello, World!');
In the tab following status messages:
12:59:30: It Geany 1.28.
12:59:30: A new file "without a name".
13:00:00: The file is closed without a name.
13:00:00: A new file "without imeni.pas".
13:00:22: C File: \ Users \ Alex \ the Desktop \ 111 \ without imeni.pas saved.
13:00:52: C File: \ Users \ Alex \ the Desktop \ 111 \ without imeni.pas saved.
13:00:52: The process has failed (Invalid specified folder name)
13:01:06: The process has failed (Invalid specified folder name)
I tried on three different PCs running Windows 7 x64. Everywhere one and the same.
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I have xterm and also xfce4-terminal
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This has been asked before:
I'm asking for it again, as I'm used to opening a new file, using it as a scratch pad, and then emptying and closing it. Geany won't let me do that, but pops up the file save dialogue instead.
Clearly there are other people out there who have a similar way of working, based on the previous issues about the same thing. One reason given ( for not implementing the change is that then one would not be able to open a new file and immediately close it, in order to save an empty named file on disk. I would argue that that is a much rarer use case than using a new file as a scratch pad, as was also previously argued.
Could this be implemented as an option, then? You could allow the "scratch pad users" to check a checkbox in the preferences labeled "Don't ask to save an empty and unsaved file".
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