I'm on 1.34.1 . Win10
When double clicked on any geany associated file (let's say txt), or when other tools "push" some files to external editor (mine is geany) every time a new instance pops-up. It started to behave like this Today without any errors or warnings. Important is that when double click on text file it used to open in 1/10 of blink of an eye. Now it takes about 2 seconds to open. I've tried to re-install already.
I've run it with verbose, but there is not enough to debug for me
procexp of two running geanys
_Originally posted by @volcik in https://github.com/geany/geany/issues/641#issuecomment-469643957_
I have also done the same with all plugins disabled
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Line wrap breaks at word boundaries (word wrap). Straight line wrapping - breaking at a column - would be better for long lines of cryptic code.
When long lines end with series of tabs followed by text intended to align at column, calculation of column varies by number of characters preceding the wrap.
To replicate, type a long line of text that wraps a couple of words onto the (wrap)
following line<tab><tab><tab><tab>Aligned Text
Insert characters into the first line (before the wrap) and watch "Aligned Text" shift a character at a time.
Expected behavior is "Aligned Text" should only shift a tab at a time, as the second line increases length. The number of characters on the first line, before the wrap, shouldn't make any difference.
Xubuntu 17.10 with latest Geany from repository (1.29).
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markdown is getting even more common these days it would be nice that geany can make itself a first class markdown editor. The "urgent" feature I would request:
1. When adding a list, a return key should automatically make next line read for the list, now I have to type each list line with "* my line", the "* " part should be automatically added.
2. select a few lines and change them to a list easily together
3. when type headlines they should be bold as what **bold** already does
4. select some text then use keybinding to make it bold or italic, e.g. Ctrl+B(bold), ctrl+I(italic) , or just type `**` , `*` it can auto be added to both ends of the selected text, now I can only do this with quote sign \`
with above features, geany will become one of the best markdown editor, that alone is enough for its wider usage
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Geany shows only rectangular signs instead of readable letters.
The letter types for the python code files i could change in view menu, but the signs in the side and the status windows are not changed. How can i change this ?
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Since GTK+ 3.20 the scrollbar does not update or only updates erratically. This affects the editor window and doesn't happen for all files.
I bisected a specific gtk commit and will also open a bug report there.
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Hello @all,
in my Geany ( V 1.35 , Win10, GTK 2.0 ) edit window a vertical green line over the code at column 46 is shown. I donĀ“t know what this line is for and how i can delete it ?
Thanks for an answer !
Regards, Hlech65730
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I can't find how to change the IDE language from Arabic to English, it selected depending my system (Windows here), and i don't want Geany in Arabic IDE.
Also when changed to English it want to care about disabling "right to left" too.
In fact it is common problem with applications that uses GTK2, for example [Gimp](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=679214)
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