[Geany] Scripting language for plug-ins

Jeff Pohlmeyer yetanothergeek at xxxxx
Thu Jan 10 23:04:03 UTC 2008

On Jan 10, 2008 2:29 PM, Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de> wrote:

> On Wed, 9 Jan 2008 17:13:21 +0000, Nick Treleaven
> <nick.treleaven at btinternet.com> wrote:

> >  If the Lua plugin was distributed with Geany, Lua can be an
> > optional dependency - probably we could disable building of geanylua
> > if there were no lua headers found when running ./configure.
> > Distros could then package geany-lua-plugin as a separate package.
> > Anyway, I'm not sure if everyone wants to do this, maybe not ;-)

> I'd be fine with that. Especially the idea of only enabling to
> build/install it when Lua headers are found is great.

> It's up to Jeff now ;-).

Sounds good to me!

A few minor issues come to mind:

* The code is formatted a bit differently than the Geany
  "standard". I am mostly accustomed to using a two-space
  indent and although I used tabs for the geanylua code,
  my tab width is set at two, so the code looks pretty bad
  if you look at with tabwidth=4.

* There are a few other differences in our coding styles.
  For me, if something is NULL then it's false, so you
  won't find a lot of "if (something != NULL)" in my code
  it's just "if (something)". I also tend to use *lots* of
  parenthesis instead of depending on operator precedence.
  (I guess you could call me "algebraically challenged" :-)

* The documentation is hand edited HTML, I tried to make
  it look similar to the Lua docs, I'm not sure how well
  it would "fit" with the Geany docs.

So if you are asking me to maintain the geanylua code from
inside the Geany codebase, I would like to preserve these
little formatting idiosyncrasies. Of course, the code is
GPL, so if you'd rather just maintain it yourself you are
certainly free to change it any way you please. ;-)

Also, there is no Win32 makefile for geanylua. The windows
build uses autotools just like the rest. I know there are
good and bad points to both approaches, but IMO the main
purpose of autotools is to provide cross platform support.

I guess either approach will work, but I imagine that using
both methods within the same source tree might cause some

Having said all that, I think there are also some big
advantages to having the two projects more closely
integrated. There is a horrible kludge in my configure.in
file that tries to guess the Geany version and installation
directories using --version and --print-prefix. I would
really love to able to rip that crap out completely and
just let Geany decide where to install the plugin. I am
also having a terrible time trying to load third-party
modules into Lua, and I think *possibly* there might be
a way to solve the problem by passing some extra flags
to the linker when Geany is built to support Lua.

I'm sure there will still be some other points to work out,
but nothing we can't handle...

 - Jeff

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