[Geany-Users] Smaller fonts in file tabs?
Brent Roman
genosensor at xxxxx
Fri May 3 07:28:51 UTC 2019
Thanks for the clarification.
Sorry about the missing info.
The "new" version is Geany 1.33 and, it is, as you suspected, linked
with gtk-3,
while the "old" version is Geany 1.29, linked with gtk-2.
The OS is Debian "buster" and "stretch", respectively.
I absolutely agree with your rant about the popular "kiddy phone" look.
Could one simply copy the .css file from the 1.29 version to the 1.33
version to restore the old version's layout?
Any suggestions appreciated.
- brent
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Smaller fonts in file tabs? (Brent Roman)
> 2. Re: Smaller fonts in file tabs? (Lex Trotman)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 1 May 2019 19:27:42 -0700
> From: Brent Roman <genosensor at gmail.com>
> To: users at lists.geany.org
> Subject: [Geany-Users] Smaller fonts in file tabs?
> Message-ID: <024f7f08-0c8b-201d-8bf4-4d79a642ee7b at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Hi,
> The 1.2 series had much smaller fonts by default for labels that appear
> above the editor and file selector panes and to the left of the messages
> area than the 1.3 series does.
> Is there any way to revert to the older, more compact layout?
> Something I can do in geany.css, perhaps?
> Thanks!
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 2 May 2019 13:05:47 +1000
> From: Lex Trotman <elextr at gmail.com>
> To: Geany general discussion list <users at lists.geany.org>
> Subject: Re: [Geany-Users] Smaller fonts in file tabs?
> Message-ID:
> <CAKhWKDMbMAKKomQd4e5G=4Zs84qD+e5My0XZDOP+BLx58MTa+A at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> On Thu, 2 May 2019 at 12:28, Brent Roman <genosensor at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The 1.2 series had much smaller fonts by default for labels that appear
>> above the editor and file selector panes and to the left of the messages
>> area than the 1.3 series does.
> There are no 1.2 and 1.3 series, its 1.<an increasing number>, the
> maintainer doesn't believe in Semver.
> You might mean 1.<20s> vs 1.<30s> but that doesn't control it, all can
> be built with GTK2 or GTK3.
> You don't say what OS you use but more likely it has switched to
> providing a GTK3 build of Geany recently, but its GTK3 themes are
> designed for kiddy phones, not desktops [end rant].
>> Is there any way to revert to the older, more compact layout?
>> Something I can do in geany.css, perhaps?
> You havn't given the version of Geany, or the version of GTK, for GTK3
> its geany.css as you suspected and it "should work".
> Cheers
> Lex
>> Thanks!
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> End of Users Digest, Vol 162, Issue 1
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