[Geany-Users] GUI Program Development in Geany

Lex Trotman elextr at xxxxx
Tue Sep 26 09:09:31 UTC 2017

On 26 September 2017 at 18:56, Keith Brown <keith at geoffreybrown.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm using Geany on Ubuntu 14.04/16.04, mostly for console/terminal program
> dev in Python. I've always found Geany to be a great piece of software.
> I've started doing GUI program dev in Python with TKinter, PyQT, etc. and
> find the fact that Geany always runs commands in the Execute-commands
> section via the Terminal tool path (i.e. opening a terminal window) to be a
> little annoying. Is there any "official" way around this?

You can set a preference to have execute commands run in the VTE window instead.

> I've tried the workaround of putting the typical Python command (e.g.
> python3 "%f") in the Python-commands or Independent-commands sections of Set
> Build Commands (calling it e.g. "Execute Graphical") in order to avoid the
> terminal window - this works but the busy indicator runs and messages go to
> the Compiler tab.

When the command is run in the VTE the output goes there.

> I've also tried the workaround of changing the Terminal tool path to bash c%
> and setting up two commands in the Execute-commands section of Set Build
> Commands:
> Execute => gnome-terminal -x bash -c 'python3 "%f"; echo -e "\n"; read -p
> "Press Enter to continue..."'
> Execute Graphical => python3 "%f"
> but messages from commands in the Execute-commands section are not displayed
> on a tab (Geany expects a terminal window to be open). Is there any
> workaround for this?

Nope, Geany just runs whatever commands you tell it, it doesn't even
know about the terminal window.

> This seems like a lot of gymnastics. Or am I completely missing something?
> Wouldn't it make sense to have two different Execute commands in Geany, one
> that uses a terminal and one that doesn't, with messages from the second
> command going to a tab like they do with compile commands?

No current contributor has felt the need that badly. There is a
surprising amount of work required to do that, so someone would have
to contribute it.

> Part of my motivation comes from wishing to use Geany more in the training
> courses that I deliver, and making it easier for the participants to
> configure Geany for Python/Perl/PHP.
> Thanks for any help!
> Keith
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