[Geany-Users] script to delete currently viewed document
pauriem at gmail.com
pauriem at xxxxx
Thu May 2 21:41:13 UTC 2013
-- in case anyone finds it helpful, here is a script to delete from disk
-- the document currently being viewed, which is something that some of
-- the other text editors out there have a button or menu command for
local keys_to_read, path, code, alerts, gloss, i, j
geany.banner = "Lua Script: Close and unlink"
i = 60
if (geany.count () > 0) then
path = geany.filename ()
keys_to_read = geany.fileinfo ()
path = nil
keys_to_read = nil
if ((path == nil) or (keys_to_read == nil) or (keys_to_read["changed"])) then
alerts = "No saved document to unlink"
elseif (keys_to_read["readonly"]) then
alerts = "Read-only document cannot be unlinked"
gloss = ("Unlink \"" .. path) .. "\"?"
j = string.len (gloss)
if (j < i) then j = i end
alerts = gloss .. ("\n" .. string.rep ("_", j))
if (geany.confirm (" ", alerts, false)) then
geany.close ()
code, alerts = os.remove (path)
if (code) then
alerts = ("Unlinked \"" .. path) .."\""
if (alerts == nil) then gloss ="unknown OS error" else gloss = alerts end
alerts = ("Unable to unlink \"" .. path) .. (("\" (" .. gloss) .. ")")
alerts = "" end
j = string.len (alerts)
if j > 0 then
if (j < i) then j = i end
geany.message (alerts .. ("\n" .. string.rep ("_", j)))
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