[Geany] setting up 'plaintext' file type

Lex Trotman elextr at xxxxx
Sat Sep 8 00:24:54 UTC 2012

>> Sigh. Yar, old version. Just checked and winxp version is 1.22, centos is
>> 0.20.
> Even if it sounds like a big difference, versions went 0.20, 0.21, 1.22 so
> it's not *that* old, but still kind of old :)

Its still several years old though, but I don't remember any reports
of problems like this back when it was current.

>> Re the removing error indicators, I tried that as soon as I saw the
>> explanation of what they were, but it didn't work either.
> That makes it sound like a plugin might be putting error indicators, since
> using the menu to remove should always remove the ones Geany puts there
> itself AFAIK.
>> I'm using the RPMforge version, the EPEL version is 0.21... I don't
>> suppose anyone happens to know if another repo has a newer version?
>> I'd like to have this be my default nedit replacement, which would
>> mean it gets dumped onto about 20 centos boxes, and I'd really rather
>> not have to do manual installs for it....
> I don't know any, unless you can use Fedora packages or something. Compiling
> from source isn't too painful if you can install GTK+ development stuff from
> pre-built packages, though doing it on 20 boxes might be tedious. Maybe you
> can compile on one box and make your own package? I have no idea what's
> involved for CentOS to do this.

I vaguely remember someone on IRC saying Fedora packages had been made
for 1.22, IIUC Centos can use them.

> Cheers,
> Matthew Brush
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