[Geany] Code folding

Worth, Kevin kevin.worth at xxxxx
Fri Mar 2 18:18:29 UTC 2012

Having the boilerplate code be separate sounds like a good approach to avoid the "scary" parts you need to make the framework (without having to muck with the folding code), though perhaps going the other direction: import boilerplateCode.py at the beginning of each "program" file (could add it to the python template), then can be saved as childsNameProgramNumberOrWhatever.py might be easier.

I'm assuming you're looking at educational resources for python already, but out of curiosity I was checking out the python education SIG [1] and learned about the built-in turtle module [2] and Guido von Robot [3]. Even as an adult I think these are pretty cool. :)

1: http://www.python.org/community/sigs/current/edu-sig/ 
2: http://docs.python.org/library/turtle.html
3: http://gvr.sourceforge.net/ (online version http://gvr-online.appspot.com )

-----Original Message-----
From: geany-bounces at uvena.de [mailto:geany-bounces at uvena.de] On Behalf Of Lex Trotman
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 7:16 PM
To: Geany general discussion list
Subject: Re: [Geany] Code folding

On 2 March 2012 09:36, Andy Bain <andy.bain at port.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hello, I'm new to the list but I'm more than willing to contribute.
> I'm working with the new Raspberry Pi and I'm trying to make Geany more
> kid friendly (6 year old+).
> Where does Geany get its code folding delimiters from? I'm trying to
> configure Geany so that it initially folds most of the code and not just
> functions or other pre-defined areas. In my scenario, I want almost all
> the code folded on start-up with a blank area where the students can
> write stuff (i.e. hide all the scary import and main loop stuff).


I'm not aware of any way of making things open folded, IIUC the fold
state isn't stored between sessions.

Maybe you can set things up so the kids write in a nice empty file
(just change the python template to be empty) and have it imported
into a file with all the boilerplate when run.


> I'm targeting Python. I've looked at the filetypes and considered
> downloading and looking at the source, but I just get a feeling this is
> easily do-able for someone with more knowledge than me.
> /Andy
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