[Geany] Help with custom compiler

Laszlo Nagy gandalf at xxxxx
Thu Jul 19 06:04:42 UTC 2012

>>> You can write a regex for what you need in the "Error regular expression"
>>> text box in the Build Commands configuration. I think you can also store the
>>> regexp in the `filetype.yourlanguage` file.
>>> Docs:
>>> http://www.geany.org/manual/current/index.html#build-menu-configuration
>> Yes, I was aware of this. As I said, *i was reading the [build-menu]*. The
>> question was: how to distinguish errors from warnings and notices? I would
>> like Geany to display errors in red, warnings in blue and notices in green.
>> Is that possible? Unfortunately, the link you sent says nothing about this.
> No this isn't possible, the regexes, or in their absence the built-in
> tests, just distinguish between a message that indicates a file and
> line number that Geany can jump to, and any other message.  The
> purpose is to recognise the file and line information, not really to
> separate types of messages.  The colour of messages is just to
> indicate that you can click on them or not.
Thanks. But I still don't know how to do it. Obviously, I wouldn't like 
to browse C source files. In fact it was about 5 years ago when I last 
wrote a program in C, so even if I downloaded the sources, it wouldn't help.

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