[Geany] Geany: visual beep

Dimitar Zhekov dimitar.zhekov at xxxxx
Fri Jan 13 18:29:24 UTC 2012


In Geany, we have an option to set "Beep on errors or compilation
finished", which results in gdk_beep() or nothing. What do you think
about adding a "visual beep" option, which flashes the status bar
for a short (250ms default) period of time? Personally I want to
receive some signal on errors or end of build commands, but quiet.

Writing a visual beep will be easy, and from a few other programs I
have used seems noticable enough, without being distracting.


unbeep(): gtk_widget_set_state(statusbar, GTK_STATE_NORMAL)

gtk_widget_set_state(statusbar, GTK_STATE_SELECTED)
g_timeout_add(user preference, unbeep)

(an event box may be required if gtk status bar does not support

E-gards: Jimmy

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