[Geany] Per-workspace instance of Geany

Lex Trotman elextr at xxxxx
Mon Jan 24 01:10:29 UTC 2011

On 24 January 2011 11:32, Erik de Castro Lopo <mle+tools at mega-nerd.com> wrote:
> Lex Trotman wrote:
>> On MS Windows?
> Windows doesn't have workspace, or rather it does, but 99.999999%
> of people don't use them. Even the vast majority of windows
> developers don't use them.
> Contrast that with Linux where well over 90% of people use them.
> For developers, its very close to 100% that use workspaces.

-1 me, but I do use two monitors instead :-)

I suspect your contention is a significant overstatement, but then
neither of us actually has the statistics to prove it :-)

>> On KDE?
> Yes, I've tested this. I reported the results of that testing
> on the devel list.
>> If Geany only had the number of programmer hours that Gedit does ...
> I've tried getting patches in. The development list was at best,
> slow to respond. Many of my patches were never responded to at
> all. And while I was following the devel list, I was not the
> only one being roundly ignored by the people with SVN commit
> access.
> You can't complain about lack of developer hours and then keep
> development as an exclusive club for a small inner circle.


I'm sorry you feel that you were ignored.

Everyone in the Geany "inner circle" as you call it, only works on
Geany in their own time, and they all have other things to do, they
move house, they take holidays, their internet goes down (all happened
in 2010)...  So yes, response time can be variable, and busy people
don't always read all the messages in a conversation etc, its the
nature of a small project.

If you have constructive suggestions they will be welcome I'm sure,
but remember that big changes of process or code will be difficult to
have accepted due to the limited time people have to consider and
understand the proposals, and to implement and test the changes,
incremental change is the way to approach things when resources are

As to Gedit, it has only one instance with multiple windows (my option
3) so many of the problems don't apply, but refactoring Geany to
support multiple top levels is a big change.


> Erik
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Erik de Castro Lopo
> http://www.mega-nerd.com/
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