[Geany] Very slow file saving over SSH

Frank Lanitz frank at xxxxx
Sun Aug 8 12:18:18 UTC 2010

On Sat, 7 Aug 2010 19:23:21 +0100
Jake Subs <subs at growdigital.net> wrote:

> 2010/8/5 Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de>:
> >>Slighty OT, but is there a way to actually _pay_ a developer to do the
> > I personally don't like paid features very much but this is just me.
> I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people wouldn't like it. A friend
> helps organise a volunteer-run arts cinema, and there has been great
> controversy over paying some people and not others.
> If the whole model is based upon voluntary work, then any introduction
> of filthy lucre may upset the apple cart.
> I was just thinking of a way to re-direct money paid for software
> licenses by educational institutions over to Free Software. Oddly
> enough, many organisations feel happier if they can pay for something.

Maybe somebody is funding some kind of IT company which is doing
billable work around Geany. I agree Enrico in thinking that this is
nothing we shall do as 'Geany-community'.

Frank Lanitz <frank at frank.uvena.de>
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