[Geany] integrating external tools (e.g. lint)

AC gmane.0vd at xxxxx
Tue Sep 16 10:51:44 UTC 2008

> filename:line_no: some message

I've written a simple wrapper script to reformat JSLint's (http://jslint.com)
output - see below.
That seems to work fine so far.

> Don't know if it'll be soon, maybe. When implemented it'll be a regex
> you can edit yourself.

Looking forward to it!


import sys
import subprocess
import re

# settings -- TODO: read from cofniguration file
cmd = "rhino"
lint = "/usr/share/jslint/jslint.js"
pattern = r"Lint at line (\d+) character (\d+): (.*)"

def main(args):
  filename = args[1]
  command = [cmd, lint, filename]
  output = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
  print "\n".join(reformat(output, pattern, filename))

def reformat(text, pattern, filename):
  results = []
  regex = re.compile(pattern)
  for line in text.split("\n"):
    matches = regex.search(line)
    if matches:
      line = int(matches.groups()[0])
      char = int(matches.groups()[1])
      msg = matches.groups()[2]
      results.append("%s:%d: [char %d] %s" % (filename, line, char, msg))
  return results

if __name__ == "__main__":

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