[Geany] {filename} and New with Template (Re: Template for C++ headers)

Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven at xxxxx
Wed Nov 12 12:34:59 UTC 2008

On Mon, 10 Nov 2008 21:17:48 +0100
Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de> wrote:

> >thanks for reply. it would be great to move all template related
> >stuff into a plugin. most ide's like eclipse or netbeans or even vs
> >first ask user to select a template and then to specify a name for
> >the new file. if i'm not mistaken eclipse cdt can create unnamed
> >files the same way geany does but in such cases it doesn't use any
> >templates. so geany is just missing asking for a filename. It'd be
> >nice if you make it
> Yes, Geany asks first for the filename when the file is actually to be
> saved, not when creating. I like it this way as it makes creating
> files more easy and fast.

One idea: maybe when using New with Template and the template uses
{filename}, Geany could flag this in a private document field, and not
transform it until the file is saved. On saving, Geany could check
if the 'replace_template_filename' field is set, and replace all
instances of {filename} with the proper filename.


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