[Geany] site looks bad in konqueror

Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger at xxxxx
Mon Sep 24 14:08:49 UTC 2007

On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 16:04:35 -0400, "John Gabriele" <jmg3000 at gmail.com>

> > The website doesn't validate, it could be a reason for the bad
> > rendering from konqueror.
> The website in general responds very slowly for me in Firefox. I've
> mentioned it here before, and it could be a javascript thing.
Well, when looking at the source of the delivered HTML code, there
isn't much Javascript in it. I must admit, the server is sometimes
generally a bit slow(but therefore it is cheap ;-)). I don't have any
problems with Firefox.

> Anyway, I notice it's a pmwiki-based site. It's possible that it could
> stand an upgrade to its pmwiki engine? Looks like it's running on
> 2.1.11, but the current release of pmwiki is at 2.1.27 (with a
> 2.2.0-beta63 available as well).
I updated the wiki engine to 2.1.27, maybe it helps a bit. I don't want
to use the 2.2.0-beta thing because it's a beta and I read on the
download site they will maybe change some things, so I want to wait
until it is stable.

Any changes regarding the Konqueror problem (I can't test it)?


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