[Geany] default keybindings: possible rules

Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven at xxxxx
Fri Sep 7 16:44:46 UTC 2007

On 09/06/2007 09:03:28 PM, John Gabriele wrote:
> On 9/6/07, Nick Treleaven <nick.treleaven at btinternet.com> wrote:
> [...]
> Yes, I guess this last comment of yours is where our opinions really
> differ. I think that grouping leads to making them easier to get into
> your muscle memory. As in, one's fingers automatically reach for
> Shift-Alt when you know you're doing a selection operation... or the
> Alt key if you know you're going to manually hit a menu or some other
> GUI element. Like keybinding namespaces. It sounds like you and 

Well, Shift-Alt is just a bit too awkward on most keyboards, and the 
Alt modifier always for GUI elements sometimes goes against things 
'everyone' is used to, e.g. Ctrl-PgUp/PgDn to switch documents.

> Enrico
> prefer the bindings to be more of a grouping of most-commonly-used
> (Ctrl-<key>, Shift-Ctrl-<key>), to less-commonly-used (Ctrl-Alt-
> <key>,
> F-keys) to least-commonly-used (Shift-Alt-<key>).
> Anyhow, if that above list is on target, you may want to enshrine it
> in the Keybindings section of the Usage chapter of the manual.
I guess we could put some of that in the manual, and a copy of all of 
that in the HACKING file.

> Some possible clarifications:
> [...]
Thanks, I'll add these sometime next week.


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