[Geany] Editor helpers

Harold Aling h.aling at xxxxx
Fri Oct 26 13:06:15 UTC 2007

On Fri, 26 Oct 2007 13:31:07 +0100, Nick Treleaven
<nick.treleaven at btinternet.com> wrote:
> On 24/10/07 14:38:40, Harold Aling wrote:
>> What if Geany would support the following:
>> A: Add opening and closing tags to a selection:
>> 1. Select a word/row/section
>> 2. Press '
>> 3. Geany transforms the selection into '<selection>' and expands the
>> selection so you may add another one by a single keypress.
> I'm not sure about this, when would you use it? Perhaps it's better to 
> just insert the > character after < when typing the tag, like feature 
> B.
>> B: Add closing tag for opened tag
>> 1. Start typing: echo '
>> 2. Geany adds the closing ' but the cursor stays in between: echo
>> '<cursor>'
>> These would be useful for ', ", {, [, (, ` and maybe other
>> characters(?)...
> It might be a nice feature, but it would need to be implemented 
> carefully. E.g. checking that the cursor is not in a string or comment. 
> Also sometimes you wouldn't want the behaviour at the start of a line 
> or in front of some text on an existing line if you're programming.

If I'm not mistaken, I've seen either Gvim or Kate do this and it looked
very handy to me.

Doen anyone else have an opinion about this? Or seen something like this in


> Regards,
> Nick
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