[Geany] autocomplete.conf is not working for me

kib2 kib2 at xxxxx
Mon Oct 15 21:20:02 UTC 2007

Nick Treleaven a écrit :
> What if you try a different keybinding for 'complete construct', e.g. 
> space, or even ctrl-alt-c?
I've got the same problem.
> But this is very strange that even with an empty -c configuration 
> directory autocompletion doesn't work. The only difference seems to be 
> that you've installed it in a different place. Can you check that the 
> About dialog says Geany 0.12?
Yes, it says 0.12.
> (BTW, personally I would just install Geany in the default prefix 
> configure chooses, which is usually /usr/local, removing any package 
> first, but even so it should work from other places too).
> Regards,
> Nick

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